Hello to this new exploration party!

Firbolg wizard
Hafling rogue
Goliath paladin
Half-giant paladin

Image © eWKn

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3. Mitsuki - Haflinger. They're quite small in comparison to other horse breeds (but not technically a pony), but make very flexible horses able to do just about anything. They have a reputation for having strong personalities and opinions tho...

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Little sketch of my family’s horses, Lucy and Delilah. Always love seeing these good girls when I visit home.

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Big hello to this new adventuring party!

Genasi noble
Elf rogue
Half-giant barbarian
Hafling rogue

Image © Takeda11

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Hello to this new exploration party!

Goliath warlock
Human rogue
Hafling fighter
Goliath rogue

Image © Montjart

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Big hello to this new adventuring party!

Genasi barbarian
Half-giant barbarian
Hafling warlock
Firbolg wizard
Half-Elf barbarian

Image © Rappelz

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Can't believe it's taken me this long to make a horsesona lmao. His name is Apollo and he's a Haflinger.

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Seeing a lot of horse tweets lately, and I'd really love to share my horse; my haflinger named Pumpkin! 🎃 (or Kin for short) she got a redesign with a short mane last year and I still have to draw her again sometime soon!

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Howdy new adventuring party members!

Hafling sorcerer
Goliath sorcerer
Half-Elf wizard
Half-giant ranger
Tiefling bard

Image © ArtofLariz

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Big hello to this new adventuring party!

Half-Elf barbarian
Tabaxi barbarian
Hafling fighter
Half-giant cleric

Image © MaBuArt

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Hello to this new exploration party!

Half-Elf druid
Goliath barbarian
Half-Elf sorcerer
Aarakocra noble
Hafling barbarian

Image © Takeda11

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This *isn't* me entering the with my hafling Lipa who just woke up from a long nap ok ✨

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Why aren't smaller horse breeds more popular among horse chars?? This is my haflinger pumpkin! 🐎

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I was by a friend to draw his character. A hafling scout who is a member of the royal sheep cavalry!

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Howdy new adventuring party members!

Genasi fighter
Tiefling ranger
Goliath warlock
Hafling bard
Dwarf fighter

Image © theDURRRRIAN

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This is Vanya, a npc from the campaign I’m running.

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Ready-up, a team of new adventurers has formed!

Human rogue
Firbolg fighter
Dwarf wizard
Hafling barbarian

Image © Takeda11

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Big hello to this new adventuring party!

Human rogue
Hafling noble
Firbolg fighter
Gnome rogue
Hafling druid

Image © Takeda11

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Howdy new adventuring party members!

Aarakocra noble
Firbolg sorcerer
Tabaxi ranger
Hafling fighter

Image © eWKn

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