画質 高画質

gift for ~! Keith was poisoned and shiro is pissed 😡 i hope you like it ~ 💗💗💗

22 46

rush doodle for valentine's day before the day ends
Just spending a tender morning with his beloved precious husband 💖💖

16 37

Happy valentines day!

I need someone to make a matching card with shiro 🥺

32 99

The OG Sheith shippers

11 67

Here is a lovely gift for from a Secret Santa who wanted to stay anonymous. Hope you like it, Ahu~ thanks for waiting 💗

10 38

Repost of my old work

72 211

Ah to be a prince lost in the woods with your knight and his stallion (except they just don't want to be found hehe)
Have some for Valentine's because they're in Love!

119 239

It's time for the honorary Prekerb Keith appreciation post!
Look at him and call him cute.

24 102

offers u a work in progress of a redraw from that one scene

106 300

Bringing back old art bc why not?

4 18

Penguin / Marine bio AU epilogue pt.6

95 257

Keith would never give up on searching for Shiro, even after the Garrison proclaimed the Kerberos mission lost due to a 'pilot error.'

53 120

Cookie Run AU with Aether as Phantom Bleu and Heizou as Detective Almond! They are each other's greatest rivals, with Aether being the only criminal Heizou has yet to catch, and Heizou never letting Aether escape easily. He had nearly caught him last encounter! But...

11 28

Sending a little love letter 💌💕🌷

65 119

Sheith edits that could've been scenes in the show:

40 154