Amazing watercolors from the 16th-century Tovar Codex at , attributed to Jesuit Juan de Tovar but likely based on an earlier Nahuatl source by Christianized Aztecs:

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Max von Laue, German physicist who received the 1914 in for his research into X-ray crystallography, is our

(Contrary to this clerihew, we can not confirm that he ever owned a Chihuahua...)

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Rumor has it that 's new book on army includes an illustration from our History of Science Collection, specifically this image from Maria Sibylla Merian's Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium (1705).


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Beautiful! The 1767 edition of Mark Catesby's "A collection of 85 curious trees and shrubs, the produce of North America" at . Source via :

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Alcide d' Orbigny, French paleontologist who founded the science of was born in 1802

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Adorable brown and white Norfolk or water spaniel painted by George Stubbs in 1778 at ! Stubbs was most famous for his paintings of animals, especially horses, and studied their anatomy:

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Astronomical rings were made popular by Dutch instrument maker Gemma Frisius. Simple & ingenious, they identify the meridian when the rings' shadows come together. These rings were made by Frisius' nephew in 1567.

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The image is by one of my absolute favorites.

The below are from Figuier’s La Terre avant le Déluge (The World before the Flood). Images: Wikimedia Commons.

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Quantum physicist Werner Heisenberg loved to draw in his sketchbook. Here is his colourful portrait of beautiful Würzburg, Germany, with its prominent medieval bridge and Festung (fortress / castle). (From the Jochen Heisenberg collection)

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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen...please enjoy this moment of

(John Venn, English mathematician, philosopher, and diagram namesake, was born in 1834.)

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M.C. Escher, Dutch graphic artist and creator of mathematically inspired illustrations, is our

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We move on now to perhaps the most famous astronomical card game: Urania's Mirror!

has a complete set of these beautifully illustrated cards. Learn more about it here:

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Exploring epidemics across history, science, society, and art - great blog posts from students in Paola Bertucci's graduate seminar at Yale on visual and material cultures of science!

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Fabulous 1753 depiction of itinerant tradesman by Marcellus Laroon - notice the spectacles! Small vision aids were widely sold in streets and diverse shops in cities like London for centuries:

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"Before and after" ad from 1893 at for "Duchess pills" - which in addition to enhancing one's beauty were supposed to cure anemia, palpitations, and skin eruptions:

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Fascinating introduction at to the history of women in glassmaking, including the production of incandescent lightbulbs as seen on the cover of Scientific American in 1895:

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Robert Yerkes artifacts illuminate history of primate research, intelligence testing, WW1, eugenics, and science & women scientists in Russia & Cuba! Guest appearances by Ivan Pavlov & Alfred Kinsey:

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