Hmh im still not shure what this room is about. Those statues and cocoons, what are they for?..

5 25

Feeling super nervous to post this little dear waah ;_;

I decide it's done cus it's been over half year with this pic. I couldn't save it (I got lotsa negative stuff n feels so I couldn't done it quickly n earlier)

...Been learn a lot over half year so I guess...

11 14

Angel: How many way i can suicide my self Hmh..hang myself or bra bra~~

Alone: I advise you to go to them and fuck with them until you dead

0 7

Doodle I know but what if I do Matsu stuff hmh

0 0


『アニメ おさるのジョージ ちしきえほん リサイクルはおまかせ』(M・レイ&H・A・レイ 原作)

リサイクルって何? ジョージと一緒にリサイクルについて学ぼう!

Curious George ® DISCOVERS Recycling Copyright ©2017 Universal Studios and/or HMH.

0 8

hmh woorikn on somethrinfgm

0 1

Hmh where are they going?

0 1


6 22

HMH Project-31

/ 20190429
/ Bass

92 99


『アニメ りんごりんごりんご』
(M・レイ&H・A・レイ 原作/山北めぐみ 訳)

© & ® Universal Studios and/or HMH.

0 10

HMH Project-30

/ 20190429
/ Segno

46 68


『アニメ おさるのジョージ ちしきえほん わるいきんをやっつけろ』(M・レイ&H・A・レイ 原作)

Curious George ® DISCOVERS GERMS
Copyright ©2015 Universal Studios and/or HMH.

1 10

HMH Project-27

/ 20181119
/ 술래 Hide and seek

32 41

HMH Project-23

/ 20180319
/ 보여 Day by day

50 70