Peanut: "Ack!! Grape!! You're biting me too hard!!!"
Peanut: "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"

1 4

Wait... So... Since Fox is doing the Devil's Tango with his future self. Does that technically make it masturbation?

1 4

I never would've expected that kind of behavior from Breel of all furrets!

2 8

Grape: "Whatcha drawing there, Peanut?"
Peanut: *Instantly shoves the paper in his mouth*
Peanut (Muffled): "...N.. Noffing Grafe!!"

2 6

why was kirari using a housepet tag???????????????

0 4

*Peanut is the safety word*
Grape: "Peanut, Peanut Peanut!!!"
Peanut: *Enters because someone called his name*
Peanut: "Grape? What do you neeEEAAAAUUGGHHHH!!!!!!

1 4

This is why I recommend Webcomics.
(Clockwise top left- Ava’s Demon, Uberquest, Housepets, Dreamkeepers)

5 32

My continuation of being horny for Housepets characters in a very niche fashion-

Ralph: What was that?

Fido: Heh- Musta been Mungo breaking down another wall again-

2 7

Ptah from Housepets! webcomic is using the power of the hat to bulk up so he can impress the feline ladies~

0 2

I'm still in a Housepets mood.
Hello again

18 163

I binged 's webcomic Housepets and I wanted to draw these two twerps.

61 517

you're such a great artist!! Do you mind?? I really love that adorable Ford you made and I had too. Sorry for not asking but I really love your art, especially Cat!Stan.

1 6

Day 5: About the OC's world

High-quality dolls can be temporarily brought to life and live as long as you refill their magic supply. People tend to keep them as low-maintenance companions. Steph has a tiger plush that she keeps as a housepet.

2 6

Since two characters share the same name, I thought it would be nice to draw King from wear King's skull helmet in The Owl House~

0 1

Been watching 's streams of 's Housepets! and immediately got hooked and wanted to draw Peanut & Grape!

29 239

I've been reading the webcomic "Housepets" for the first time with some friends. Peanut is one of my favorite characters so I decided to try to draw him. I think it turned out ok.

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