🎶On the fourth day of Winter's Veil, my village gave to me,
Four Dreamcatchers🎶

🎶Three Grump Lords
Two Sniper Cows
And a Hozen in a Pear Tree🎶

6 10

🎶On the second day of Winter's Veil, my village gave to me,
Two Sniper Cows🎶

🎶And a Hozen in a Pear Tree🎶

1 5

🎶On the first day of Winter's Veil, my village gave to me,
A Hozen in a Pear Tree🎶

1 3

Thank you to everyone who entered and all my followers for the love and support 💞🙏💞🦋! I am grateful for you all.
Congrats thguardian 💞🦋💞 please DM your info so
I send this out to you .


0 5

Venus - LederHozen OC
illust by mzrz

1 4