//=time() ?>
@spamagotchi Theres strawberry tiger for spades.. besides that theres a wolf and a bear i only ever drew once huhu
A template for the pocky day 🥰
Huhu, which pair you want to see in this scenario?
HELLO GUYS 💖 aku mau minta bantuan temen2 utk isi kuesioner skripsiku yg topiknya ilustrator kalo ada yg belum 🫶😋
Aku masih butuh partisipan yg mayan banyak nih huhu
Linknya aku taro rep yaa. Yg mau nanya2 silakan!!
@Zane_III_Ren its just a lot of compiling work to do huhu xwx
aye those words are from the shogi piece haha ~
Jjk! Warning spoiler
Nasib Shiu Kong gimana dimana sedang apa ya guys...? Maaf aku ga baca manga, tau tau dah ga muncul aja huhu 😢
Ive been feeling so sleepy these past few days oml, i keep having naps or i keep on sleeping early huhu I cant work properly,I need cosmania funds 😭
art! skit 💛 soalnya tiba2 ibisnya crash terus filenya gabisa direstore ༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽ ini hasil skrinsut huhu. gabisa dilanjut :(
Howdy to the new people! 👀
If you're curious about the characters I draw all the time, I recommend reading Marionetta 🕺
The plot, storytelling, mystery and setting is just so good 💅✨
Also there's ships with age gaps and size differences huhu
hallo teman teman Art! sender balik lagi huhu ada yang mau ber🐄alan comment aja ya nanti sender follback 🤍❕❕❕❕
Hiii ada yang punya render art mereka yg ini nggakk?? Sender minta dong huhu T____T makasi banyakk babu!
Artist! Alooo ges, aku baru-baru ini bikin akun twt. Jadi sepi banget huhu planga plongo sendirian😭🖐️🖐️. Adakah yang mau ber☁️ sama akuu? Nihh aku kasih anggur🍇 buat bonus ehe
babu! sekedar nanya, buat yang sekarang main acc nya hasil jb, dan gapernah di hb, akun kalian aman aman aja kah? udah berapa lama dipegang? sender mau nuker main ke akun lain tapi takut huhu
Planning to cosplay her next cosmatsuri heheh i love modeus sm, though im scared to wear contacts huhu
This is just a repost but I'm just going to say that I'm keeping my c🌸mms open for the time being. I'm working on recent ones right now but I need the money for school allowance huhu!
I can do human / furry art :] I'd probably be open to do customs too
I watched my happy marriage and now i want more eps please huhu i need some sweet wholesome romance shows like these 😭💛
Siang Artist! Mau setor wip. Dari kemarin engga kelar-kelar huhu. Mari kita ber☁️ sajaa
Ty for coming to my stream guys! It was so fun talking to you peeps again huhu I missed streaming, ill probably have consistent streams now!