And even when she isn't as bulky in the comics, she still has much more muscle definition and actually looks like a Hulk. Plus there are a lot of times in the comics when Jen IS big and bulky.

So to conclude, there is no excuse for her to be this "toned down" in the show. (3/3)

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Antes del MCU, el top 5 de heroínas más populares de Marvel eran Susan Storm, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm y Hoy en día ese top ya no es tan evidente y dependiendo de a quién le preguntes, veras los nombres de Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow y hasta Gwen Stacy.

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It's funny realizing how Rex and Noah have a lot of fundamental similarities, to the point where Noah takes 4 or 5 arts from Rex and only one from Shulk. It creates an interesting compare and contrast with them, and probably indicates Rex created the protag mold going forward.

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Un nouvel épisode de la série ‘Les Légendes des studios Marvel’ consacré au Dr. Bruce Banner alias Hulk arrive le 10 août sur Disney+, en vue du lancement de

3 21

📸 Novas artes promocionais de

6 94

Just waking up in the morning, gotta thank God. It’s unfortunate that people only want “Hulk Smash” Hulk when he’s one of the most complicated and interesting characters. His story involves mental illness, child abuse, facing your fears, science vs nature, etc. give me THAT Hulk.

71 360

Before I was watching good She Hulk content which is Incredible Hulk 1996 and Fantastic Four World's Greatest Heroes.
I would also read the 2004 comic before I see her show since I loved She-Hulk.

8 54

Fuck“power levels”.
Incredible Hulk>MCU Hulk.

67 479





(Also, due to her connections, I wouldn't be surprised if we get not only Jadzia of the Skrulls, but Vampires AND Cosmic stuff, too. A Gamma Bomb(shell) to open the MCU doors again.)

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Sometime friend from work, other times rival of the Hulk....

Thor for Marvel Allure 2022 from Upper Deck/Marvel and for !

2 13

Pretty very pretty face of age hulk. Stop staring... No smash

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The best era for She-Hulk.

5 20

Mix Frankenstein's monster, Jeckyll & Hyde, the golem myth and the prevailing Cold War notion that nuclear power produced monsters and what you get is the ever popular
Here we remake his 60 years old first cover.


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Our next episode is PART ONE of our dive into PLANET HULK. Incredible Hulk (1999)

Let us know your thoughts!

17 91

Hulk wants revenge on Dr Doom but must get past the Doom Bots and the Mad squad first. Meanwhile, Banner wrestles with his inner Hulk.

5 35

the Tick, Mysterymen by Bob Burden, Spider-Man, umm... Peter David's Hulk.

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