'Back Home'

Storm clouds form. They threaten rain like a bully. But they will not drench me or my hills this evening. Smell, hearing and temperature disappear as the light dances with my eyes.


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'Pink Grange Over Sands'

Pinkly calm after the storm. Long shadows of evening chill the feet. Only my eyes and heart are warm. The smell of the sea is rife with seaweed.


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'Pink Grange Over Sands'

Pinkly calm after the storm. Long shadows of evening chill the feet. Only my eyes and heart are warm. The smell of the sea is rife with seaweed.


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'Back Home'

Storm clouds form. They threaten rain like a bully. But they will not drench me or my hills this evening. Smell, hearing and temperature disappear as the light dances with my eyes.


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'Late light Ambleside'

South west winds clear the sky and chill the dew, so no smell greets the senses. The mountains simply resign themselves to slumber.


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'Pink Grange Over Sands'


2018 Twitter Exhibition
(Daily at 8 a.m and 8 p.m)


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"My Brother Being Weird" or "Vale Cafe Hang" with on the

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