But seriously though, does anyone? Or are we all just bumbling along trying not to cock up too badly? Just me? ❤️

12 47

It's easy to feel overwhelmed and discouraged when I realize how much I still have to learn...

...so I often look back through old art to realize I've come a long way already

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/ Great idea 😊
I’m sure every single creator struggles with
My name is Jennifer and I’m a frickin’ boss at pretty faces, moody colors, and intricate patterns. 😎

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Hey! Time to kick out and just love the art we create. I thoroughly enjoy painting big creatures and retro gaming moments.

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comic bc im my own biggest hater

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These mermaids are probably one of my favorite pieces, and I hate drawing mermaids.
Trying real hard to convince myself that I don’t need to draw things I hate to actually make art I would be proud of.

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Trying to deal with my imposter syndrome by remembering that wee girl who was afraid of nothing.

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Idk how to draw comics but here is one...

Do you play among us?

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Experiencing one of my pesky mental phenomenons in a video game? Less likely than you think because I suck at it.
It is very fun though!! 🚀

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My neuroses are doing their best ❤️

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I am continuing to make work as an exploration of the character of Lily Briscoe - for me, a symbol of women's struggle with and those of us who were told women couldn’t make art when we were young. Some current

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