Because I'm thinking about Pixie:

I am very happy she's going to continue to be used in a series.


Hoping for a Tom/Cain reunion.

A possible Blindfold return means a possible stop to the precog ban during/after Inferno.

0 32

I think I cracked post Inferno. Mutants always lose the battle against AI. But this time, when the craddle is revealed, AI will see mutants as what they have become: AI themselves. Intelligence that moves freely on bodies (which happen to be biological).

2 16

Curious to see what they will be doing throughout Inferno.

0 16


Ciao,sono Ichimatsu.
Sono venuto a prenderti dall'inferno.

4 12

Ele voltou do inferno.

*witness from mindless self indulgence starts playing*

52 530

"Eu vou... até... o inferno... para matar todos vocês, um por um"

11 80


Join , and !! !

*Sale ends Sunday 😱
*All remainder Dorks will be burned in an inferno. Never to see the light of day again.

And they have names.
And all remainder Dorkis will be burned tonight 🔥

0 0

A frase, a frase


109 1135

Join , and !! !

*Sale ends Sunday 😱
*All remainder Dorks will be burned in an inferno. Never to see the light of day again.

And they have names.

Magic Seabreeze is not happy about losing her cousins.

5 20

Some fan art of "I" as Pina sings Inferno. She looks really good in the fire force outfits! A very quick sketch Gonna try to do it for the anime openings that I like personally.

5 47

The final day of ends with an inferno.
The delightfully playful Kelly (& Marla) belong to , and boy howdy, they are not shy!
This was a super fun pic to make. They all were!
Of course, expect more art & cartoons soon!
(Probably doodles, though.)

8 29

O gato agora mia até eu cobrir ele com a cobertinha... 🤡🤡🤡
Meu pijama usual nesses dias frios vindo do inferno.

0 2

Disco Inferno. Oil on canvas.

Want to be free
Want to be free
It will last forever
Disco Inferno
/British Sea Power
A tribute to Or is it a fan art? Featuring Dolores Dei in somebody's personal disco hell.

135 296

..thats why,
half joke deadly seriously.

i sell my work with small dealers.
I don't have to deal with these people whos 'love of understanding art' is raped by the desire for their own success.
Oil on canvas 5ft/4ft.

1 3

gallery Sorath『油彩画藝術考』展は本日が最終日です
🕰️11:00~16:00 ですので、ご注意下さい(通販も16:00迄です)


5 29

Some recent head shot commissions. We have Skids, Cyclonus, and Energon Inferno.
More to come :)

163 787

dia 5 -

música: montero (cmbyn) - lil nas x

yamaguchi ficou sabendo que o diabo é exatamente o seu tipo: loiro, alto e emburrado. então, certificou-se de ser um menino mau para garantir a sua entrada para o inferno.

(extra nos comentários)

38 111

25 - "Horror" Depois do "Beast" como eu imaginava, abriu-se os portões do inferno. Depois dessa então, rsrs. Acho q vai ser tudo horror daqui pra frente.

88 620

. on the last supper Bedelia’s leg was pit-roasted “wrapped [] in ti leaves, decorated [] with tropical fruits and flowers and [laid] on a bed of coals- with ice to represent the Lake of Ice in Dante's Inferno.”

9 41