Redesign of Richter Belmont, keeping the strong himbo energy intact from Rondo of Blood.

14 34

El gran emperador wei a tomado como esposa a la fallida concubina lan
se rumorea que aun conserva su virginidad intacta aunque ya a estado en el harem de wx por dos años
que escandalo¡¡¡¡¡😲😲😅

29 158

The English dub for the anime "Ghost Stories" releases, featuring quite a different tone to the original while keeping the original plot intact. (2005)

36 202

⚠️ SPOILERS: Blind Play

bless ilmo for his sexy brain and i damn well want 'it' to be intact after this update please 🥹

6 54

⚠ Há exatos 100 anos era encontrada a tumba praticamente intacta de um faraó: era a sepultura do rei Tutankhamon.
Tutankhamon faleceu com cerca de 18 ou 19 anos e foi sepultado com mais de 5.000 objetos, alguns eram joias e móveis.

43 255

Con sus alas aún intactas,
su corazón recién horneado,
sus ojos de caramelo tostado,
y su alma reluciendo, de plata.

Cada noche desde su cama
volaba, volaba y volaba...
Y se recorría el universo entero
en compañía solo de su hada.


5 32

alguien que siempre sufrió por su peso dejó que todo ese odio lo convierta en un kaijin que con el más mínimo tacto cause que la persona a quien tocó subiera de peso, bueno Mizuki término encontrándose con el y aún que logró vencer al kaijin no se fue intacta de esa pelea.

130 706

This fossil of a snail with soft tissue and eyestalk still intact is the oldest known snail fossil at present, being 99-million years old. Thanks to the amber, they were able to make a 3D model of the snail. Read more here:

6 28

This week's hat is the Skull Island Topper, which is for All-Classes. It is a ram's skull with a missing horn and eyeball intact, worn by Merasmus. This hat is earned by getting to Skull Island and reaching the hat in-game. It was added on October 26, 2012.

3 12

Better make sure you still got your soul after the night ends ♪ Will it be intact? I can make no guarantee ♪♪
Happy All Saints' Wake!

1 4

« L'art de vivre consiste à garder intact le sentiment de la vie et à ne jamais déserter le point d'émerveillement et de sidération qui seul permet à l'âme de voir »

Christian Bobin

13 31

Imagine if this family stayed intact…they’d be so snooty…

579 3097

Tres científicos se unen para realizar un proyecto, dos de ellos fueron grandes amigos en el pasado y compran una casa, el ambiente agradable los hace pensar que su amistad seguirá intacta, hasta que uno de los amigos introduce a la tercera científica.

3 6

Sonic Frontiers discourse is heating up.

Be excited for the game, be worried for the game, it doesn't matter. Just relax and calm down. Whether this game is good or bad, the world will stay intact. Sonic won't die as a franchise.

Don't freak out over criticism or praises.

73 414

After the crisis Wonder Woman was no longer a seasoned hero so in her stead was the second Black Canary as a founding member, while Batman and Superman were omitted. The original origin was mostly kept intact despite the change.

3 5

This burning besieged barracks is part of the Reward bundle our Patrons will be getting in November, along with intact, night and winter versions, plus lots more maps. And for a fixed pledge, not per-creation. What a bargain!

4 14

Howdy howdy, make way for the new grim reaper in town, Sengu~ clearly better than the last since skin is still intact. Usually hate socializing, but some people are exceptions. Calm and collected, and very observant. Hot demon/ghost gf and snake Cerberus so points for that++++ :)

0 1

Akari is our main character and the lens through which we’ll experience our primary story. She grew up with an intact family until her mother died of breast cancer when Akari was 9.

22 64

Pañuelo botas y la forma de su cabeza son rasgos que dibujo de una forma muy específica, los colores azul rojo y amarillo también son muy importantes, ya que excepto por el amarillo, estos colores están intactos desde hace años y es una regla que sean esos colores específicos

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