This iz secret agent Mr.420365247 , he’s fluent in 10 dif. Languages; Knows 8 dif. Styles of Martial Arts; trained assassin since birth; part of a Genome Enhancement project where they have reprogrammed his DNA for higher intellect,able to remote view;amongst other enhancements

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[OC] Padmaera, or Mera for short.

A strange pyrokinetic plant with humanoid form and intellect. Rumors say the spirit of a warrior who died by fire gave rise to this being.

Known by many names, like The Crimson Lotus, Searing Corpse Flower, The Autumn Spirit, and Vegan Chimera.

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GM to all burnt out intellectuals 🫡

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Looking forward to the next update to see how WotC shows the importance of defending their intellectual property.
Unrelated, hey, remember six months ago when the first official poster for the D&D movie used Paizo art?

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Demon angel.

Series Genix A NFT project around meaningful intellectual property and an extraordinary community.

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🔹🔶"Élan vital"🔷🔸

👁️"Some other faculty than the intellect is necessary for the apprehension of reality." ~ Henri Bergson.


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Me, a realist and intellectual who has studied konami's Yu-Gi-Oh decision making for decades:

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A lot of debate happens on whether they're technically a Monster, but their intellect and wit has won them much respect.

While their bodies make them too heavy to fly, they can glide and therefor naturally circumvent fall damage.

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☠️ F̶i̶v̶e̶ SIX Days Of Death Squad ☠️

BONUS DAY: Fud Squad


He's just a modern guy, living in a modern world

(Special thanks to for this one)

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Inquisitor Asharen Lavellan as The King of Cups

the upright King of Cups represents a balance between intellect and emotions. It indicates that there is a strong relationship between understanding and feeling.

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This is why one of the popular images of Guan Yu is "Guan Yu reading the Zuozhuan/Spring and Autumn Annals at Night", both as a reference to real-life history of him as a studious man, but also to emphasize further of Guan Yu being an intellectual general than just a fighter.

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the dramatic will kill you will kill for you intellectual meow meows 🫴🏻

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(imagen his hair n tail is dark blue)
Trunks is strong but dosent like to fight. He prefers strategy. His mom's intellect and his Father's cagy nature forged a tactical mined geared to end fights quick or escape without a trace. He gets teased by the Ox princesses all the time

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Lorekeeper Magid

A mysterious and whimsical being. No one knows where they came from or what they are. However, they are always warm, welcoming, and jovial. Their portly stature betrays a physical and intellectual deftness. (1/3)

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Dot is a quiet and listless intellect apart of Ennex's family. He's recently taken interest in collecting and battling with trading cards. Ennex's family has always had a knack for trading cards.

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Super early WIP on 1 of 3 OC keyblade wielders. I want to flesh out the backstory and organization before continuing with designs. However, this character's portly body betrays a physical and intellectual deftness.

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Some would say science and magic are polar opposites, but the smartest and most powerful Thaumaturge on the planet would show you exactly why you're wrong.

Karmyn's innate control over the planet's Anamolous Magic and vast intellect has made her a prestigious figure on Cobare.

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The yogi - seeker who wants to attain the divine,his intellect should be pure, i.e. Satviki. He should have complete control over the senses.

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