Today's Pokémon is wushu bear. The form it takes depends on the type of training it received. One prefers to end fights with one powerful strike, while the other is adept at striking with multiple rapid hits.

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I’m just happy he’s back OKAY 😤🥺💜

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Be Brave Oliver! And The Nectar Nuisance!

Very inspired by @ kiravera8 and @ mana_chan__ 's Pokeani Stories for their characters! I've had a few ideas in mind of my own so maybe I'll make more!

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Horsea is one of my favourites and he's back in the new expansion so pixeled him! Shame I don't have the game right now!

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Hi! She's cute and evil, can't hate her 💚

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Today's Pokémon is not-so-dopey hippo (?). Normally slow and oblivious, these variants seem to be more alert to their surroundings. Some think this is due to the differences in their diet.

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Celebrating the expansion, I'm showing off the countdown pic I made way back when we were still waiting for the core game to finally release! I'm still super proud of this pic.

... now watch me as I search for more Diglett uwu

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Can we talk about this asshole?
I thought getting chased by a Machamp was scary. But these things are TERRIFYING!

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Ahora les traigo una nueva sorpresa (y reto) jajaja 👀

Si logramos la meta podrán tenerla a todo COLOR y SIN CENSURA ✨✨


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giveaway time! Enter to win the DLC! Follow the link to enter and win!

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Pokemon Trainer: *Bikes on the water for 0.01 seconds*

Every Sharpedo in a hundred mile distance:

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