BALTIC is proud to be showcasing female artists across every gallery floor this International Women’s Day, including: Sofia Stevi, Serena Korda, Jasmina Cibic, with collaborative duo Pester & Rossi opening on Sat 24 Mar

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It's – there are many inspirational women in - here's Susan Sto Helit being amazing!

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The brilliant discusses illustration with other female artists on for

"Sometimes I feel we are way braver at drawing out the gritty stuff than men."

More Martina here:

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"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun."- Katharine Hepburn, Share the love x

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Ice Age women, queens, athletes and artists – meet women from history as chosen by female curators in our blog post:

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Rachel Ruysch’s flower paintings are full of movement and minute detail. She worked in The Hague from 1701-08, where she was the first female member of the artist’s society, Confrerie Pictura. Admire the flowers in Room 17a:

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We have some really awesome female talent at Pocko. Each with their own style and attitude. Nomoco's beautiful watercolour illustrations are organic in creation and a wonder to behold.

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From all the women of the Simon's Cat team to all the women out there - Happy International Women's Day! 😘

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It is & last month we had the pleasure of making a short film for "What did the suffragettes do for you? Read our new blog about 'Easing', a little animation trick we used to humanise the animations

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Happy International Women's Day! Big shout out to all the ladies on our team who make Craving what it is! 💪👊

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Happy International Women's Day ! (Ich mach lieber was mit Bildern, als mit Worten.) :)

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Happy International Women's Day.
It's an oldie but a goodie!

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Our collections contain some really special works,including those of Elizabeth Blackwell (1707-1758),Scottish botanical illustrator and author,best known for"A Curious Herbal"(1739) -a reference work on medicinal plants for physicians and apothecaries.

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Happy International Women’s Day! We celebrate all the women around the world — in particular, all those who continuously and fight for more gender inclusive societies.

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The equality movement has really come along, there is so much hope for the future! There is also so much more work to do... Not just today, but every day I am in awe of anyone considered inferior in the world pushing boundaries and making waves.

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It's and there's loads of boss stuff going on in Liverpool for it! Where to start? Tune into from 10 for their radio all dayer with , , , , + looooooads more

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