Он рядом. Как было много раз до этого - под завалом, в гостиничном номере, на пирсе. Только одно изменилось - они приняли друг друга.
Приняли с боем, с криками и страхом раскрыться.

ОСка и текст

1 30

He's near. As it had been many times before-under the rubble, in a hotel room, on the pier. Only one thing changed - they accepted each other. Accepted with a fight, with shouts and fear of revealing themselves.

0 26

Какая-то милая софтовая почеркушка


1 33

When I said m o s t worked... This is what I meant. Yeah I don't think green looks good on Jimbotnik...

0 5

I've been curious about how Jimbotnik would look like with other Eggman color scheems, so today I quickly sketched a base and got to work...
Most of them work out pretty nicely, ngl!
Can you guess which version of the doctor is by the color?

3 34

Depuis que j'ai soutenu Gardener de sur Kickstarter et que j'ai lu Yojimbot de , je rêve d'un crossover entre les deux univers ! ❤

4 13

Jimbotnik draws? 👀👀👀✨✨✨

1 5