Next 4 days of great little exercises (or procrastination) before work. with a little Much respect to the poor man’s attempts at the respective artists’ flavours, bastardising it with my own.

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Live stream with my homie today at 11:45am PST as part of his weekend long online comic-con. Join us at
All your questions will be answered, all your wildest dreams will probably come true.

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The incredible colored this piece of damn, kimosabe! Witness this magic unfold via video at
Brand new Inkpulp Podcast on YouTube; get on over there, subscribe, and enjoy!

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Happy BDay, Madvillain!
The legendary, groundbreaking MADVILLAINY LP dropped 16 yrs ago and that’s a damn fine thing to celebrate. America’s most blunted. Madlib and Doom, we thank you!

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ONE HOUR left to score POP-UP FUNK, the Greatest Pop-Up Book In The Known Universe! Hit up young space cadet! Have fun out there...

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Relax, dawg! You still have 2 WHOLE DAYS to purchase POP-UP FUNK, the Greatest Pop-Up Book Ever Created In The History Of The Entire Universe! Strut on over to & ur good to go. Cool as a cucumber. All that.

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New stickers! Available exclusively at or link it up on my profile, young waffle-eater. Makes the weekend a more dynamic place to be!

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TODAY I’m signing in Osaka, Japan at CROSSOVER! Starts at 2pm. Cruise on by, say hello, drink a brew, and relax.

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