Joséphine, l'espace d'une histoire. Avec et ses superbes illustrations, nous vous présentons 6 tableaux visuels et musicaux. Ils permettent de repérer des éléments suivant un vocabulaire spatial adapté à la maternelle et au CP/CE1

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River with pollard willows c.1860 by Joséphine Bowes, French artist (1825-1874), also actress-turned-aristocrat who built a world class museum in the North of England, The Bowes Museum

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My top Drawception doodles from April 18-24

Zipper's costume (Animal Crossing)

Empress Joséphine de Beauharnais

Tweety Bird sleeping comfortably

mascot in Animal Crossing

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Born in 1755: (1755-1842), French Portrait Painter

Portrait of Bonne-Marie-Joséphine-Gabrielle de Crussol (1752-1829), 1785

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Born in 1771: French painter (1771-1835)

Portrait of (1763-1814), 1808

Musée Masséna, Nice

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Le mariage de Britanny et Joséphine, car c'est beau de rêver.

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J'pensais l'envoyer demain mais j'ai pas pu attendre mdr, surtout que j'adore Joséphine Ange Gardien

"On raconte qu'Eniripsa envoie Nini Mathy aider les douziens en détresse pour les aider à régler leurs problèmes. Son claquement de doigt est légendaire!"

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River with pollard willows c.1860 by Joséphine Bowes, French artist (1825-1874), also actress-turned-aristocrat who built a world class museum in the North of England, The Bowes Museum

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River with pollard willows c.1860 by Joséphine Bowes, French artist (1825-1874), also actress-turned-aristocrat who built a world class museum in the North of England, The Bowes Museum

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River with pollard willows c.1860 by Joséphine Bowes, French artist (1825-1874), also actress-turned-aristocrat who built a world class museum in the North of England, The Bowes Museum

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to the Josephine Bowes: A woman of fashion an exhibition that continued the popular Joséphine Bowes – A Woman of Taste and Influence display, which paid tribute to the woman who was a driving force behind the Museum’s creation. On display were surviving pieces from... ⬇️

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Last rehearsal tonight before our concert at on Saturday to sing 'Songs for Joséphine' surrounded by her art collection. Here's a gallery of some of the paintings that inspired our choice of music:

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Joséphine Baker, more love less hate...Studio Hartcourt

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Our Head of Collections, Jane Whittaker will tell us more about one of Joséphine’s landscape paintings and why it is important to recognise her talent and rightful place in the fine art world.

Join us at 12:00 to find out.

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Baker's Elephant Paris '25

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8. ‘Quand Joséphine sort du bureau, elle passe aussitôt chez sa cousine Berthe’ ▪️

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the contemplative scenes of Louise-Joséphine Sarazin de Belmont (1790–1871)

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Premier test avec Marie-Joséphine. Bilan : Il faut que je règle les couleurs parce que c'est pas pareil d'un écran à un autre et la sensibilité du stylet est insuffisante à mon goût. Mais c'est le CONFORT et le LUXE, haaAaaAAN !

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