So... I've got a bunch of Pocket Joules... They will eat pocket lints and breadcrumbs...

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These 2 could ... Especially if they're we're in a good mood. Joules would give everyone a vr set and Xozious would suppress people's negative memories ...

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Quartz wants not just recognition or acknowledgment but respect from Joules ... He longs for that validation ... He wants to establish an identity apart from Joules ...

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Joules & Quartz probably fit the bill for 87% of OC questions ... And yes they utilize poisons ...

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"They can only mistake your kindness for weakness if you're kind"

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Joules not knowing what's goin on would thinks its a game. Not to seriously but semi aggressively manifest monstrosities for the occasion ...

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I had to draw Joules as Sandie from “Last Night in Soho”

I am really obsessed with this movie 😩

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Bravest-Most likely Quartz by virtue of the fact he doesn't fear anything
Cowardly-Technically Parables because he's the only tru pacifist oc of mine
Serious-Xarz is literally all objective,everything he does pertains to his goals
Comical-Joules, the most immature & unpredictable

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Not sure regarding best but some of my favs ... Xozious ... Joules & Jace

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Xozious saw something special within Joules & Grace and saw to it that they would reach their max potential ... His relationship with them is pretty complicated given the nature of Xozious ideology. That being said they enjoy they time spent with him and admire him ...

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//Human Disguise for Joules, Shade and Li 😔✨ Cause shorties gotta stick together

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Everyone has their own preferences ...
3 things about Joules i think people would find semi enjoyable is
1.) Personality, fun loving hyper active basket case.
2.) He's somewhat unpredictable so on screen or panel you'll never know what to expect.
3.) He exudes idgaf energy ...

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Oii, eu sou a Joules, estudo Artes Visuais e tô tentando crescer como artista aqui no twitter. Queria muito trabalhar com ilustração mas ainda tenho muito chão pela frente, é isso!

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Already did one for Xozious ... Minus well do one Joules ...

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I was corrected ... The matchup that would be most befitting ... Yugi vs Joules, Joules win becuz ... His deck isn't a mash up protected by plot armor ... Actual consistency

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To summarize their relationship ... More like frienemies. There's a "I'm better than u aura"that they both exude. They eventually develope a respect factor. Joules low-key views Quartz like a pesky lil brother while Quartz views Joules as pay to win gamer while he's a grinder ...

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