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#diabla #diablo #devilgirl #devilgirls #demongirl #shedevil #succubus #pinupart #kustomkulture #girlswithhorns #egirls #heavymetalgirls #metalgirls #anime #waifu #demongirls #onigirl #悪魔
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"Empty Throne Millennium", a Kustom Kulture artwork in the style of Stefan Gesell. Yeah, I don't particularly see Kustom Kulture here.
These are Midjourney's attempts at "Surface Tension", a Kustom Kulture artwork in the style of Alexander Milne Calder. Which makes no sense at all, but I dig the results!
Is it @JordanMoOzy or @dato_seiko who'll be sharing the stage with Black Coffee on 12th November for the Kulture festival?? 🎶🎹🎤 Keep voting and TUNE IN to #CoolandTheGang with @thapartypapi for the battle! 📻🎵🎊
Attack for Croakulture on #artfight
#artfight2022 #artfightattack #ArtFightTeamWither
Kündet euer Konto bei der UBS!
Die UBS setzt sich massiv für die intolerante Woke-Kultur ein, erlässt abstruse Gender-Sprachvorschriften und fördert die Transgender-Ideologie.
Die UBS möchte uns politisch umerziehen und unsere freiheitliche Kultur zerstören.
Dagegen kämpfen wir!
Brought out my fat ass sniper last night! Have to rock this goo squid skater #Quirkling for the kultura! 🔥💜🦑 @quirkiesnft & @alienfrens building together 🤝
It's always "what is culture?" and never "how is the state of culture?" 😔
Alamin ang kalagayan ng ating kultura at para kanino siya pinapanday!
Makidalo sa State of Culture and the Arts Address ngayong July 21, 8PM via Discord
Mag-DM lamang para sa link.
Meet KAS... a new character I've been working on.
#diabla #diablo #devilgirl #devilgirls #demongirl #shedevil #succubus #pinupart #vectorart #kustomkulture #girlswithhorns #beachgirls #heavymetalgirls #666university #deadpophell #curvygirls #cnft #cnftcommunity
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#msmarvel to taki "spoko" serial. Nie powala ale za razem nie jest zły. Uderza bardziej w tony kulturowe i młodzieżowe co jest dosyć spójne z bohaterką ale jednocześnie trochę mało superbohaterskości w serialu o superbohaterce. Czy to źle? Zależy od oczekiwań widza
Dla mnie 7/10
Hemen duzue Amaiurko gazteluari buruzko "Memoria bat, mila kolore. Gaztelu bat, mila irudi" erakusketarako egin dudan ilustrazioa. Elizondoko Arizkunenea kultur etxean egonen da ikusgai urrira arte. Ez galdu erakusketa ikusteko aukera!
#amaiur #amaiurkogaztelua