kaikumi seperti biasa. kai yang rebellious, carefree (dan agak flirty kadang) terus kumi yang kekanakkan dan (agak tsun) polos. ini adalah salah satu contoh bentuk interaksi antar iblis dan kelinci jadi-jadianーAYO RATU PAMERIN YUMESHIPNYA JUGAAA✨✨✨

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First Schedule of 2023!!

Continuing We Were Here Together with Kumi-chan and then playing Hades for the first time!!

I won't be streaming We Were Here so i'll be linking to Kumi's twitch on the day~

YT: https://t.co/WIrFvuc214

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Muchas gracias por todo su apoyo en este año, les deseo lo mejor y cuídense muchoヽ(・∀・)ノ.

Una Kumi para celebrar.

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a contribution to 2022 before it ends, enjoy a kumi

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Alguna vez te has preguntado que son los Kumi?
los kumi están hechos de una perfecta combinación de baba de ángel y el producto lácteo conocido como Kumis, creados en el laboratorio secreto de Oshi, los puedes encontrar de todos los tamaños y colores pero normalmente son blancos

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I promise it's the last lol
I liked the lines so much that I decided to make a reference for my oldest fursona Kumi too
She was made by Mitsuki-wolf a really really long time ago and I still love the desing even if I don't use her 💜

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you may have seen yuri otani in the thread, but have you seen her girlfriend kumi? no? Now you will

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Feliz Navidad de parte de Kumi, ojala se la pasen excelente y disfruten mucho del día de hoy.
(っ´▽`)っ ¡Saludos!

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シッポフリフリ、何かの合図かたぁ❔☺Merry Xmas~~

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제 요즘 붐 네쥬로라를 봐주세요
감정을느끼지못하는자높음기집착남x사랑을거부하는자낮양기집착녀 페어예요.... 구구절절 사귀진 않는데 결혼은 했어요 그냥 글케 됐어요(님

(1번 KUMI님, 2번 구름님 커미션 / 3번 배님 연성)

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hello, i'm kumi! a freelance artist from 🇮🇩

i draw with inconsistent style whenever my brush change (haha). my work mostly commission, ocs/yume, and fanart.

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Burlington Contemporary Journal Issue 8: Drawing

Deadline: 16th January 2023

Dedicated to contemporary drawing, Issue 8 will be realised in collaboration with

Full submission details: https://t.co/vGRLGt4MKP

Image: ‘Lens’, by Kumi Machida.

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A little Happy Birthday gift to . What's better than one Kumiko? How about a collection of Kumi, including Alolan Kumiko, Hisuian Kumiko, and of course MerKumi. Hope you enjoy this and more importantly that you have a wonderful day today. You deserve it.

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【倖田來未】来年発売のパッケージの全収録内容が解禁!! | エイベックス・ポータル: 12月6日に、自身のデビューを記念したアニバーサリーイベント「KODA KUMI 21ST→22ND ANNIVERSARY EVENT」を開催した倖田來未。そんな倖田來未の2023年1月18日にリリ… https://t.co/J4lu0vDEnI

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「 新世界より 」


HO探究:Rolf Lindwall / あんのうんさん
HO征服:リアム・マーフィー / さくまる
HO商売:フルールド・ビリオン・マニゴルド / 狸kumiさん
HO隷属:マリン / お芋チャンさん
HO信仰:シルヴィア・バルト・リンセンス / よもぎもちさん

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. 『クミ音初)』
((Kumi sound first))

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Haru and Kumi 🍔
What are they chatting about?
for 💜

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