Apollo Driving the Chariot of the Sun, for the Sala di Apollo e Diana, Palazzo Bianchetti, Bologna, 1810–23 https://t.co/1PVDnisP59

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I’m just saying — if that 6’1” tweet going around is accurate (it isn’t), then Tartaglia would be a LOT taller than 6’1” that he’s been accepted at.

All the in-game tall-male models are the same height, but Lazzo shows us their Actual Height differences per this chart.

15 154

Kefka Palazzo - Final Fantasy VI
Noah Prime - Astral Chain
Rugal - KOF
Balder - Bayonetta 1 y 2 https://t.co/q7kBnH7Q6b

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Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (Portrait de Vincent van Gogh) 1887, pastel sur carton, Musée Van Gogh, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.
- Frederica Milazzo

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Padova medievale e la fraglia dei venditori di pesce

Il vivace affresco raffigurante il Pescivendolo a Palazzo della Ragione mostra il venditore che, abbigliato con un grembiule bianco e munito di una borsa per i soldi, porge tre pesci a un cliente.

👉 https://t.co/RxJdBUIbxy

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webttore has a lot of potential to parallel the current lazzo models we have.

Fundamentally webttore is a demanding asswipe with 0 to no patience and a bratty attitude. He’s extremely intelligent yet often forgetful and easily bored.

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We just got inspired... and you?

John Singer Sargent -Venetian Canal, Palazzo Corner, 1880
View it: https://t.co/8xV1HQQ3Ac

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this is what the middle ground of lazzo and webttore looks like hell he’s even got the straight teeth

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lazzo’s design looks more like gojo than webttore

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Palazzo di Città in Cagliari hosts the Corto Maltese Towards new routes exhibition

Read more about this here: https://t.co/Kso8pGJqvg

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0 2

La gioia risiede nel più
intimo dell'anima :
si può possederla
dentro di sé
in un'oscura prigione
come in un
splendido palazzo...

Teresa di Lisieux


Vito Campanella

8 12

Palazzo Besta - Affreschi dell prima metà del '500, di Barberis che si riferiscono alle Storie dell'Orlando Furioso

8 38

It’s finishedddd. Scaramouche in A Winter Night’s Lazzo. :’) 🫰💕💕

2 5

Non sai ancora dove andare a Ferragosto?

L’arte e la bellezza ti aspettano a per trascorrere una giornata memorabile in compagnia di

Info: https://t.co/UoPIlLxiy7

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Banquet of the Gods, variant for the Sala di Pranza, Palazzo Guarini, Forli, 1814 https://t.co/0ukm4HQrrV

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Since I'm the process of creating Ultimate (Legendary) Zakamon, I've decided to show off 2 that I have made so far; one I made in the past & what I just designed recently:
A: Lazzorlyzzard. B: Ultraelemegatuan.
I love 'em both, of course, but which one do y'all like & why?

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"A Winter Night's Lazzo" (part 3/3)
For the last part, here is Pantalone (Regrator), Il Capitano (the Captain), and Arlecchino (The Knave)
At last I've finished 😫 Its fun drawing all of them
I can't wait to meet them in the game 😆

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kefka palazzo Garfield telephone

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