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PL ONLY (for now): Do końca roku będę jeszcze na dwóch imprezach: Pasja Minicon 8-9.11 i Warszawskich Targach Fantastyki 7-8.12. Zapraszam wszystkich na stoisko<3
Jeśli ktoś chciałby zarezerwować sobie kalendarz napiszcie mi w DMku :3

A5/14p pol/en language mix

0 6

Two kittens. Miss January and miss December :3

0 12

10月のRe: calendarはこれにて〆となります。やはりハロウィン重点ですね……それとお月さま?

78 561

Mark you calendars for the 26th! Here are the artists for the fourth week!

11 74

Folk pinup girls at the działeczka core 🔥🔥🔥

3 19


46 165

Fiona October Calendar

4 57

Here's my lineup calendar! Feel free to join me if you want <3

(don't mind the dates as I didn't manage to catch up well LOL)

0 20

Mark you calendars for the 12th! Here are the artists for the second week!

14 64

Mark you calendars for the 5th! Here are the artist for the first week!

11 79

aww I almost forgot about this but yes... you'll see this and another piece of mine in the Naz calendar this October

10 56


21 594

9月のRe: calendarはこれにて〆となります。この辺り体育祭とか運動会とかそっちイメージで体操着系メインになりますね今年はひたすら暑かったですがorz

41 161

yey first Naz calendar art ready sorta haha

14 131

Schwarzesmarken announcement end of the year

Mark your calendars

1 35

Neon September Calendar

11 81

8月のRe: calendarはこれにて〆となります。ここは昔からずっと水着枠ですね。また9月もよろしくですのよ(=゚ω゚)ノ

93 643

I was shown the 2011 calendar for the Science ADV series, and it was a sexy picture.

14 48

8月のスイカ🍉 Water Melon
カレンダーに使ったイラストです。Used for August calendar.

194 1245