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An Old Shanoa sketch, now that Castlevania news is coming out (a bit of hype) #Konami
DS Castlevanias on the switch! Here's an Order of Ecclesia classic 💋
Also drew the neurodivergent electric boy from TUM vol 5, chap 26
I so wish this char was more relevant!! 😩
Raito Sanda (the colors are made up)
*hqart by sender
cw // spoiler timeskip
tahukah kamu bahwa melansir data World Population Review, jumlah penduduk dunia mencapai jiwa pada 24 April 2024 namun hal tersebut tidak relevan dengan pesona friendzonemu yang mengalahkan (cont)
Since Yanqing is relevant atm I’m bringing back my fan design of an older version of him ❄️🥹
#hsr #HonkaiStarRail
Bom dia! Dormiram bem?
Fim de semana acordam tarde? Pq eu tô desde as 6:30h. Levanta esse cu da cama!!
Bro, es que santa madre se DIOS. Yo la veo, me caigo y me levanto. ME CAIGO Y ME LEVANTO
*grito de perro loco*
Without discovering the mysteries of the mansion, you won't be able to complete the game. And each mystery is solved at a crux bad ending—
Which works especially well, due to the fact that (spoiler if I explain it) every bad ending is main-story relevant.
Catalogo do Anime Friends- Mesa 160
Essas são as coisas que estarei levando pro meu primeiro artist alley! Espero que no futuro consiga expandir mais esse catalogo!
Voltei a treinar. Me sinto bem melhor tanto fisica quanto motivação.
Também é ótima a sensação depois do treino, com o corpo trêmulo e o suor escorrendo. Talvez eu seja meio masoquista.
Estou melhorando meu levantamento!!