We absolutely adore this painting by London Art College student Wendy Simmons. Wendy said... Fun in the snow. My husband and our youngest son.

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Weekend challenge...the trouble with chibi's is that you can't STOP them celebrating! They just keep bouncing around and it's hard to keep up with them!

Student Audrey Quinton

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This piece of artwork is by London Art College student Rachel Bird. Rachel has captured such movement in what essentially a very 'still' subject. We love it!

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A fun season drawing all over for has ended, but we'll be back! Thanks for the memories, and for everyone who supports programs like here in our community! Here are a few of our favourites from the year.

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Lovely to see depictions of local places by Caron Clarke, a London artist specialising in watercolours whose work you can buy here at the Paxton Centre 🖌

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Today is your last chance to see ALBERTO MAGGINI’s ‘DIVA’S BOUDOIR’ installation!
Thanks to everyone who came so far and also to those who came for the performance by
Alberto and Soyeon Kim on Friday night. Was a fab eve!

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342/365 "Walk This Way" from my 365 Project

The view towards Tower Bridge, as a red London bus rushes across.


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Butterfly Effect, oil on canvas, in Hampstead Garden Gallery this weekend infogallery.co.uk

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Love this mixed media collage made by Kadian yesterday artists studio. Really great to see the group inspiring one another and developing such exciting new work

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