become Robloxian

6 21

today the most awesome robloxian was born (me)

47 648

Dear Boris the Robloxian, today ☀️
Thank you for watching!
Uncle, I was really was hard...😰💦
Boris the Robloxian, please be careful of sudden weather.☔

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most swag robloxian of all time

35 366

FELIZ CUMPLE AIKIN!!! para la mejor amix papu robloxiana chola del mundo

muchas gracias por existir ,estar ahi siempre y ayudarme/apoyarme incluso cuando las dos andabamos hechas pija , sin duda una de las mejores personas que este mundo a habitado +

[] 🐱🫂🐰

6 20

sus minibloxia

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Korblox: DeathSpeaker's Zombie Creator! This once powerful wizard dagger, tainted by the DeathSpeaker blood now serves the Korbloxians well!

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Wip skin Robloxianos
Un regalo para esta persona a quién quiero golpear (?
TKM 🌹🍒

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Noble Redcliff Eagle! To aid in the grand war against the Korbloxian Zombies, the faithful companion of the Knights of RedCliff follows its Master to the battlefield.

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Bamboo Dart Blowgun! From the infamous Shadow Ninjas of Robloxia comes this blowgun capable of firing 3 deadly darts at insane speeds.

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