Human Teeth Machop 😱

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Su fuerza es igual en los cuatro brazos, aunque bien es cierto que es desmedida y totalmente destructiva. Por ello los humanos no lo usan para ayudar en obras y prefieren a los Machop y los Machoke, más fáciles de controlar.


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Machop, Machoke, Machamp 💪...aun tengo el recuerdo de levelear a mi machoke hasta nv.93 porque pensaba que evolucionaria por nivel...tristeza


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66 - Machop
Type: Fighting

Abilities: Guts, No-guard, Steadfast

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Atualização sobre a nossa adaptação com a mesa digital! Desenho que finalizei ontem ❤️ Elu é muito linde mm 👉🏼👈🏼🥺 É isso, só pra registrar aqui
(não vem machopalestrar hein) -Djall

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EV training a Riolu right now in Diamond. His name is Poe, I'm not his OT so someone else picked that name. We're punching Machops for them Attack EVs

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Joeby, Flowther, and Mamachop
Normal - Grass(male only), Fighting(female only)

Baby kangaroo, father kangaroo/peace, mother/war

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Tomorrow is my husband's birthday. His favorite is and from the first gen starter Pokémon he would choose
He introduced me into getting into comics instead of solely reading manga (he got me w Saga) and am so happy I get to experience life w him 🥰

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Meu pangaro se chamava Bass, nunca coloquei nome no outro
Por incrível q pareça, sempre q jogava c eles, eu sentia q eles pareciam ter um laço forte de amizade
Infelizmente, baixei um arquivo incompleto e por causa de um machop, deu problema e eu tive q resetar tudo. Saudades 😕

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My hand slipped. I may turn this into a proper drawing if I have time. The mental image of Gaeric and his Machop/Machoke brethren was just too good.

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Feb 02, 2015. By: BowsyKoopa
[36 Yeahs!] [4 replies] (EU)
"Yo (en Charmander) y Mr.G&w (en el pokemon Machop)X3 / Me(in pokemon Charmander) and Mr.G&w(in pokemon Machop) X3"

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So Machop right. They're a fish?

I always feel like they should be like, rock type, but like, are they gills?

Size of a human child, human like egg groups (wtf?)

Is that a fin?

Or they, like, breasties...

Yes I have looked this up, I need to know Machop.

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No. 66: Machop
Superpower Pokémon

Machop exercises by hefting around a Graveler as if it were a barbell. There are some Machop that travel the world in a quest to master all kinds of martial arts.

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Start out with Machop!

The Evolution line is pretty sick tbh!

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Well, you asked to see Machop With Human Teeth so here he is 😅
Pokemon Gone Wrong is either the best or worst series of drawings I've ever done 😂

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