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QI'RA: Chapter Thirty-Three
In a dark alley in Coruscant 2 cloaked individuals conduct shady dealings as they prepare to target a very important person. #StarWars #fanfiction #fiction #MakeSolo2Happen https://t.co/Gp0R8KmCOq
QI'RA: Chapter Thirty-Two
Qi'ra soaks in the beautiful evening on Coruscant as she prepares for the busy day ahead but thoughts of Han bring a bit of sadness to the peaceful night. #StarWars #fanfiction #MakeSolo2Happen #fiction https://t.co/xF6suxUiyL
QI'RA: Chapter Thirty-One
Captain Peer begins to grow fearful that Qi'ra's charm and influence could make her greater than the emperor. #StarWars #fanfiction #ficiton #MakeSolo2Happen https://t.co/LCcxFJlJE9
QI'RA: Chapter Thirty
Qi'ra meets Moff Turrel Arnim, the man who hired her to act as his personal shield against his senatorial competitors. #StarWars #fanfiction #fiction #MakeSolo2Happen #Qira https://t.co/GBJJpf4wE7
QI'RA: Chapter Twenty-Nine
Qi'ra visits Coruscant for the first time but she doesn't have time to explore the capital of The Empire, as Captain Peer immediately takes her to the Senate Building. #StarWars #MakeSolo2Happen… https://t.co/GJCjNAh08S
QI'RA: Chapter Twenty-Nine
Qi'ra, wary of Nienye after their friendship becomes somewhat strained, goes to talk to him, hoping to discover what is wrong. #StarWars #fanfiction #fiction #MakeSolo2Happen #Qira https://t.co/fFsmVCzOvI
QI'RA: Chapter Twenty-Seven
Qi'ra, T-38, and Nienye board a Star Destroyer in transit to Coruscant for the first time and are highly impressed by the well-oiled machine that is The Empire. #StarWars #MakeSolo2Happen #fanfiction… https://t.co/rAudF2u2lE
QI'RA: Chapter Twenty-Six
As Top Lieutenant Nienye prepares to depart for Coruscant he is contacted by Darth Maul who has a top secret mission for him. #StarWars #fanfiction #fiction #MakeSolo2Happen #DarthMaul https://t.co/LHmvKvyIhO
QI'RA: Chapter Twenty-Five
As The Empire enters this story, Qi'ra begins to concoct plans to take over Crimson Dawn and Darth Maul, through the Force, realizes he must get rid of her. #StarWars #fanfiction #MakeSolo2Happen #fiction https://t.co/RdCGDXqNGy
QI'RA: Chapter Twenty-Four
Enjoying a party in commemoration of the retrieved coaxium aboard First Light, a group of Imperial officers crash the party. #StarWars #fanfiction #MakeSolo2Happen #Qira #fiction #Solo https://t.co/3oIxNCFCj1
QI'RA: Chapter Twenty-Three
With the coaxium retrieved, Qi'ra rests aboard her ship, Night Shade, as it hurtles through hyperspace, when Darth Maul contacts her. #StarWars #fanfiction #fiction #MakeSolo2Happen https://t.co/ZuIp2UZrSP
ハット・カルテルvsクリムゾン・ドーン、2大勢力に絡む銀河帝国と反乱組織・・・・SWファンが見たくても興行的には無理そう(;´д`) #MakeSolo2Happen
さらに、1年前の本日2018年5月25日は『ハン・ソロ/スター・ウォーズ・ストーリー』の世界公開日!公開1周年を迎え、自然発生的にハッシュタグ #MakeSolo2Happen で続編を待望する声が多く挙がっています! #スターウォーズ #StarWars #SoloAStarWarsStory
“I heard it’s (or was) #makesolo2happen day. Bring it on! Here’s an old sketch of Han, Chewie, Beckett & Rio walking into a bar with a bunch of alien designs that never got picked...” - creature concept artist Jake Lunt Davies #StarWars #SoloAStarWarsStory
5/25がアメリカで1周年。日本は更に「コケた、滑った、転んだ」と報道される中、1ヶ月も待たされた(;´д`) #MakeSolo2Happen
Yes please! #MakeSolo2Happen I would like to go on more adventures with these guys 😁
And an update on my Millennium Falcon model! Getting there 😊
#3DArt #3DModel
#MakeSolo2Happen Please @starwars we need a sequel to this movie. I feel this is a movie that needs a continuation so we can see how Han became so rough at the start of a New Hope. Also @dave_filoni would you he down to see this happen? I know @HamillHimself would be on board.
#MakeSolo2Happen? It's the best movie to come out of the Disney canon.
It has everything Rogue One and the Sequel Trilogy lack: a good story, competent characters, great design work, excellent soundtrack... Make more Star Wars films like this!
@Disney @starwars #MakeSolo2Happen