The 1st time I read about Orihime, Hikoboshi & Tanabata was in the late 90s, in Chibiusa Picture Diary (Sailor Moon manga).
But the story was a bit messed up & my child self didn't really get everything😂
But it's a recurring theme that appears a lot in anime/manga in general!🎋

2 7


Araki a crée un look de danseuse du ventre à Midler pour le jeu vidéo « Heritage for the Forture ». (Son visage n’avait jamais été montré dans le manga).

16 202

Congrats on you 700+ followers, !
Hi, I'm Chapel of SSM!(Silent Sanctum Manga).
I use to make Komiks but nowadays I just
make/teach art.
My favorite dessert is Halo-Halo, no wait, it's Butchi, no wait...basically, anything sweet would do.

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También se confirma que la reedición del manga original de Dragon Quest Dai no Daibouken contendrá páginas a color y portadas dibujadas por Koji Inada (dibujante original de este manga). Vamos, edición kanzenban confirmed...

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Who’s the 8th????? Someone New that we haven’t seen in the manga. Jigen, Delta, Kashin, Code, Victor, Amado, Boro, 8???? Looks like will be seeing a new member soon (Manga).

6 45

They cut a lot of things (even more than the manga). And some things are seems abrupt. But it's still Sooooo funny and cute tho 😂😂😂😂😂

Watch Hamefura you guys.
And i stan Nicole 😂

0 1

Finished Bloom Into You (Manga). Yes, this is a Yuri. But it is also one of the best romance's I've ever read. Characters were very interesting with some great chemistry and cute moments. The romance plays out in a unique, fresh way that was never boring and made sense.

9 30

9. .hack//Legend of the Twilight (manga). I often crack these suckers open to look at my favorite panels.

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I finished "Bloom into you" today (a shoujo-ai manga). Absolutely loved it. New top favorite romance

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Honorable mentions: Devilman Crybaby, Tatami Galaxy, Samurai Champloo, Baccano, FMA Brotherhood, Madoka, Case Closed, Wolf’s Rain, Berserk (read the manga).

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Favorite Elite Four
The only one I associate any real personality with is Lance (and that's mostly b/c of the Special manga). But I also remember liking Siebold, mostly for his looks XD

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¡Y aquí el draw in your style que comenté ayer! El dibujo original(derecha) es de .¡si lo ve espero que le guste! Me gusta mucho su estilo y tengo un par de cosas suyas (un artbook de brujitas y el de dilemas de dibujante de manga).

1 30

Un muy bonito momento entre Eijiro Kirishima y Mina Ashido. Tanto su versión en el anime como en el manga.
-Extractos del episodio 9 (anime) y capítulo 145 (manga).

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He hecho cosillas nuevas (no se aún si llegaré a sacar prints de cara a salones del manga). Os las dejo por aquí a ver qué os parecen 🥰

4 11

Just realized I don't really have an introduction on my profile, so here goes 😊: My name's Lorenzo, I draw traditionally with a brushpen and promarkers (mostly manga).
Commission prices (full bodies) :
-Lineart - 20€
-Inks and shading - 25€ + 5€ for colors
-Background - 35€

3 9

Name’s Megane, but feel free to call me Specs or Glasses if we’re close. I’m flexible between digital and traditional art and will mostly draw Splatoon (Preferably the manga).

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Naruto & Sasuke (pre-Shippuden) vs. Deku & Bakugo (current manga). Who you got in this one!? 🔥‼️🚀

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The Promised Neverland, Kaiu Shirai y Posuka Demizu (manga).

Como suelo hacer cuando me gusta un anime que veo, corrí a leerme el manga. La historia avanza de formas que no esperaba en absoluto, y el lore del mundo crece volviendo la serie cada vez más enrevesada e interesante.

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Doing God's work.
Source: Yuru Camp (Manga).
Doujin: 266448.

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