No wonder he needs those high heels
Someone fix this manlet

0 0

Best kouhai. Hentai protagonist hair. 5 foot 2 manlet who can turn into a giant monster. Tattoo. What’s not to love?

0 0


posting old stuff since I'm artblocked as hell 🥲

14 40

In order: Franco (not really buff just a manlet), Tanner (Bodybuilder) and Sebastian (Bastard)

0 0

Manlet daddy Owl has reached 14K?
More likely than you think.

1 23

If I see one more of my mutuals simping for this three foot tall manlet again...Sad Guy probably needs a stool to reach his counter, yall are down TOO bad

14 89

4. Fave designs rn is manlet Chad (actual name) and evil senior Ziggy

0 2

TBH older manlet prompto

27 104

I made them. Chibis. Santi is manlet status

1 10

Jan 02, 2015. By: Rutena-fan
[14 Yeahs!] [1 reply] (EU)
"zombey spielt mit neko germanletsplay!"

0 0

I love Hot Pants' habit of putting blond manlets in their place

45 385

casual rp twt for exec. proton of hgss.

- post-rocket verse.
- runs his own small, independent dog shelter in hoenn.
- no more crime, but just as much chaotic manlet energy as before.
- and a whole lotta doggies!!!

( written & illustrated by eggy.🥚)

13 13