Noticed something on the Okeechobee map...

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pokemon starter road map... wotr types :]

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Starter roadmap... (green for my go-to, yellow is if I played both versions, purple “have used in a play through but not a lot,” but rest assured I love All....)

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this map part is like... 5 months overdue... and it is for my own map... but we will make it work

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So our silly playthrough with RANDOMIZED FOG GATES required us to draw a map... this is it so far lol

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start of a rinko study/scarmap... of all things i think it's her face shape that's the most 'off' (needs to be more boxy/eyes less slanted) but that's a pretty easy fix

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Death Wish 1.6 is out, with lots of bugfixes for modern source ports, new areas to poke around, and a whole new map... if you can find it.

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Gonna make this my thread
So far my progress on one part of the map...

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Making a world map... 👀

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Day 4 GMS 2 ! I wrote a script to put a obj_town on my obj_map o/. And generated textboxes for my cities (thank you Shaun Spalding's tutorials ^^). Now I need them to follow the city when I zoom on the map...But that'll be for later, as in 4h30 it's Ludum Dare Time !

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Father and son bonding over a map...

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Not a house rule, but I did make a Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus inspired battlemap... does that count ? Or at least the final area of the devilish dungeon I'm designing....

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New map for DogFight, the puns are strong with this map... 🥤🐶

Excited to show it off soon... we're hoping to have it ready to play for

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only dusty, factories, and a meteor were added while the snow is still on the fucking map....

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Global air travel flow map (2018). This is essentially a combination of a population density and a wealth map... Source:

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For the love of God!! I get it, you are a map. Damn it Dora, control your map...

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Hey all!
If you're at this weekend, be sure to hit up & I's set on Saturday (2/2) at 6pm in Panel Room 1, behind Main Events (refer to Map... NO NOT THAT ONE, THE PDFC ONE!!!).

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When all you're trying to do is play Frère Jacques on the new Paris map...

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