Oh wow, yeah I think she will definitely cause Maruna to do some serious self-reflection, look at his reactions…

0 10

Hell yeah!! I knew that the way he taught Maruna about Ananta magic could be a foreshadowing of him having a contract with Ananta but holy crap, I didn't expect it to come up like that

0 8

Yess, I love that he's aware of these now. Everything he said is correct. It's true that the humans are trusting the gods far too much but we can't deny that there's a reason for that. Even Maruna has started to feel safer around gods recently 

0 8

Yes Maruna, that's called deceiving, my boy

0 8

Maruna's reactions😂😂

0 9

Omg, he took that as Maruna meaning "You're my destination"😂😂😂😂 That's actually hilarious!

0 8

Ofc he might've been subconsciously avoiding it too but I believe his reluctance towards a vegetarian diet might've been bc of people around him always insisting on meat so he could recover his vigor faster. I truly enjoy seeing Maruna slowly come to be his own person ^^

0 8

Yay, I'm glad that Enan is being friendly towards him🥰 Also, Maruna's expressions are always magnificent, look at this man😂😂

0 8

I love hearing your "super amazing" ideas about how to raise Maruna, Akasha😒😒

0 9

Wow, look at how gorgeous that last panel is🥰 Also, unfortunately, my mind immediately jumped to Maruna murdering Asha's first friend and all the others that died by his hands but hopefully he will be able to use this power the way Ushas hoped he would

0 10

Ohh so that's how Aruna became Maruna. Also, wait if that image of Ratri is supposed to be her looking for his soul does that mean the thing Ananta gave Maruna is his damn soul

0 9

Ratri probably wants to confront Maruna alone. I really like her relationship with Ushas though ^^

0 9

Seeing Maruna, the most serious guy ever as an overexcited friendly kid is so freaking entertaining🤭🤭 Also, I highly doubt the reason why he can't remember is these memories being too embarrassing lol but I'd honestly accept that if that's the case😂😂

0 7

This is so fucking adorable, I gained 5 years by just looking at this🥰🥰❤❤ I love Ushas' approach to Maruna

0 8

Look at baby Maruna🥰🥰 but a transcendental that's so powerful that it's been externally kept secret, huh

0 8

That transition was brutal😭 but at least I'm happy to see what Maruna is doing

0 8

Is baby Maruna eating apples?? I thought you were carnivorous, my boy🤭🤭

0 10

Maruna… He's so freaking desperate😭 You can stop with the meaningless threats my boy, Ran got you, he's your bro now

0 9

Maruna worrying about Ran will always manage to get me😢

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