JAL SHOP モノにまつわるストーリー

1 7

CDジャケット /高橋真梨子 tha best~KARAOKE EDITION~表紙を描かせていただきました。

2 18

But in Italy - first through Giotto in the early 1300s, followed by Masaccio a century later - perspective was introducted into art.

Paintings were now three-dimensional. People had weight. They seemed to be standing in real places. Things became more realistic.

111 2635

Then came proto-Renaissance painters like Giotto in the early 1300s and Masaccio a century later.

They introduced the illusion of depth - linear perspective - into art. It became more realistic. People in their paintings seemed to be standing in real spaces. They had weight.

56 1846

Gwen tennyson

100% Sumisa

Puta comeverga lista para ser masacrada

5 26

Pls view Doudanuki Masacutie— i mean Masakuni’s awakening in his kiwame 😔🤲

2 20

10- Origin

- Demografía : Seinen
- Cap : 87
- Sinopsis : En el año 2048, Japón está conectado al continente euroasiático por unos ferrocarriles transcontinentales. En la oscuridad ha aparecido algo no humano que se esconde en este mundo que está masacrando a la gente.

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