I draw a monthly “MeasDC” avatar for my social media where I draw myself as a different DC comics character, usually obscure, but always fun. Today, I did Ten Eyed Man.

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It's my new avatar! It's me as the semi-obscure Batman villain, The Ten Eyed Man. Okay, so in my style it's more Eight Eyed Man... still. That's a lot of eyes.

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It's my new avatar for July! It's me as Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E! You might know her better as

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New Month (I believe it is at any rate- all calculations are off) so it's a new avatar! This time, I am vintage Calculator!

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New avatar for April... it's me as Golden Age The gas mask seemed appropriate, all things considered...

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It's my new avatar for November, turkeys! It's me as

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Any suggestions for next month's avatar? I have already done and I wanna do another somebody spooky for October!

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My new avatar for September... it had to happen eventually. If I am drawing myself as obscure DC characters, I HAD to get to

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My avatar for July... was feeling patriotic and went with

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Well I did a avatar of them a while ago

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New avatar for April! If I can't have near omnipotent power during my birthday month, when CAN I have it?

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I decided to change my avatar a week early (because I was a week late in January and February is a short month)... it's Killer Moth!

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New avatar for a New Year (yeah yeah I do this every month; but I chose Death for this this time because 2018 had to be buried)

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My new avatar for December... it's me as Calendar Man! (thanks to for the suggestion!)

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I may be taking the week off from updates, but that doesn't mean I can't take time for a new August avatar! With a new movie coming out, how could I resist?

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New Avatar time! It's me as DC's The Creeper! oooo... creepy!

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There... THAT's better... new avatar as Volcana (corrected ghost foot)

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New Avatar for February... it's Comics Volcana! you know, cuz Valentine's Day is all red hot and stuff.

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Drew up my new avatar for December... it's Comics ...in holiday colors, even!

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