Aand more Wings Of Fire babies because honestly I don't draw them enough.❤️ This time we have Princess Sardonyx of the SkyWings, who is definitely not checking out her cute SeaWing girlfriend, nope.

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Bismuth! My big, soft rainbow girl is probably a top contender for one of the most wholesome OCs I have and I love her. ❤️

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I finally got around to doing another I had a cute idea about Stormfur telling his kits all about the shenanigans that went down on the Great Journey and had to try it. ;w;

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When you see the bae❤️ I like to think that Wandering Dreamer spends 99% of her time with her head in the clouds and only the power of gay makes her focus. ;D

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Guess who saw Frozen 2 today? I had to do some art for this song, I've seen a lot of love for Into The Unknown (fully deserved) but this one deserves some love too.

The Next Right Thing: https://t.co/9TPJJ09eXD

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I made this for DeviantArt's 'Stupid Powers' event. Bristlefrost is using the powerful boop to fix everything and yeah honestly I would love this kind of stupidity

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A quick lil thing I made to help me relax a little. I'm sick as a dog and this was pretty simple. I do like this design though, I might keep this baby.

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I've been too busy and tired to do any art this month. But its spooky month so I was determined to do something. So I threw together a mood board and had some fun designing a new baby. owo Her name is Pumpkin Pie and I love her.

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Today's doodle is a Rainbowfied Wavey. ;w; I had a tonne of fun adding some extra colour to her design and I'm really happy with it turned out, I'll probably end up keeping it for fun doodles later down the line.

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One day I'm gonna go into details about my AU where Stonefur's ghost haunts Blackstar after the battle with BloodClan, but until then I'll just doodle bust shots because I'm really proud of these designs ;w;

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Dun dun dun - more art fight! A smol scared bumble boy who desperately needs a hug. Bumble Briar for

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Annnnd last one for the night. This one catches me up on all my revenge attacks and I'm pretty happy with it. ;w; Ume for SillySilvy

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I tried to do a more complicated pose for this attack and hhh omg I struggled with it but I think it turned out okay? Rose for Jalrie

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Two attacks in one day! Huzzah! This one is Stranger for House_of_Myths on Art Fight.

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More Art Fight shenanigans! I think aiming for one a day was a little unrealistic but I'ma keep trying. @ Plummet for Wafflespice on Art Fight!

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Ohana means family, family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.
More Pride month art! The TVoA family, two mommas and their three sons. I love them all so much. ;w;

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The first (and hopefully not the only) bit of art I managed to make for pride month. My Warrior babies all cuddled together. ;w;

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I doodled some lil things of my three warrior children. I love these losers so much. ;w;

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Meet The Artist 2019 - aka I'm still a nerd, I just got older. Also I included Toby because he's a good son.

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