Oggi nel 1864 nasceva il pittore tra le figure più significative dell'arte del tardo Ottocento.

(UN ESAME ALLA FACOLTÀ DI MEDICINA DI PARIGI, anno 1901, olio su tavola, 81 × 65 cm, Musée Toulouse-Lautrec,

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Muchas cobijas, Dormir durante horas, y agua fueron mi medicina :3
Ya nomás tengo poquita tos seca

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Buenos dias michis!

Hoy me encuentro algo mejor de la garganta tras haber ido ayer al medico casi de urgencias 😅😅 estoy con medicinas asi que a lo mejor el directito es mas calmado ✨✨

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O Xande é literalmente o significado de "medicina por amor"

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Took my medicinal cocktail last night to defeat my migraine and it's definitely eased up.

However I FEEL SORE AND OLD TODAY, the cocktail had me unconscious for 12 hours so my legs and arms are nice and sore.

Gonna do some stretches here and there while I finish my anima relic

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Aromage Bergamot | Monarda fistulosa

Also know as bee balm,is native from North America, it's a wildflower that can be used as a medicinal plant. Various Native American tribes use it in the treatment of colds, small wounds and other health issues. It can be consumed as tea.

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Aromage Rosemary | Salvia rosemarinus

Also native from Mediterranean region, Rosemary have been used centruies.
The most well know usage is in culinary, as seasoning, but you can also extract essential oils, medicinal usage and topiary.

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"Qualche volta le illusioni funzionano meglio di una medicina".

Incontrerai l'uomo dei tuoi sogni.🎥
W. Allen🎬

Grande Allen come sempre🎞️😍✒️🎶🎵

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Without promoting it the illegal stuff We are up for raise awareness on the medicinal and healing potential of psychedelics & the impact they may have on our mental health and general well-being throughout fine arts, each one of is unique
2/2 👁️🍄💥

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It is believed that medicinal herbs increase their activity during eclipses; that the Moon brings rain; that moonlight makes the lotus flower blossom; and that the Moon’s soft rays soothe the burnt Earth after the aggressive solar beams of the day.

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Queridas editoriales de cómic:
Cuatro novelas gráficas absolutamente extraordinarias que están pidiendo a voces ser traducidas al castellano


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Se nos acumulan los cómics fabulosos a la espera de reseña!! Hay una pequeña explosión de de calidad. Vamos paso a paso, pero sobre todo nos alegra infinito ver que es un area en crecimiento.
Por poner tres ejemplos, todos magníficos:

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Voy a tirar unos datos de Athena, ahorita me da paja dibujar:

1.- Le gusta la medicina y lo pone en práctica para ayudar a las personas

2.- Montó una pequeña clínica en su colmena para trabajar.

3.-Es muy hábil con sus poderes de telequinesis, los usa en el trabajo.

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Asclepio, Dios de la medicina

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Peacekeepers often indulge in medicinal tea, to keep themselves spiritually balanced.

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Algunas amigas mias que andan de novio en novio me dicen "Cómo haces para sentirte bien estando sola, siempre te veo bien" y yo les digo "Usé medicina anti pendeja" (?)

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“Anche un tumore
Acquista dignità, l’orrore
la rappresentazione del male, l’inferno senza girone che inciampi sfogliando l’Atlante diventa il manifesto dell’iperreale
più vivo della carne
che ogni giorno ti carichi sulle spalle”.


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Farid ama leer cosas que tengan que ver con medicina como la anatomía se sabe de memoria las partes del cuerpo, entre otras cosas
Le hice un resiseño en su cabello espero les guste 😊
Realidad 1

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Meet Pink Pomegranate Cookie, a medic in her village and a bundle of joy. She uses her medicinal knowledge in order to help anyone in need, usually against the wishes of her sisters.

She belongs to

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