Word is circulating that the great Juan Gimenez has passed, due to complications. He was the co-creator of THE METABARONS with . What a tremendous loss. True art visionary.

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el gran ilustrador e historietista argentino (La Casta de los Metabarones), especializado en cómics de ciencia ficción. Falleció en su país, víctima del que contrajo en España, donde vivía, y viajó a Argentina hace semanas. Paz en su tumba

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Murio Juan Gimenez por coronavirus. Dibujante argentino del mundo de los comics.

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Falleció Juan Giménez, enorme dibujante que junto con Quino, pusieron a Mendoza en el mapa de la historieta mundial. Nos deja una obra magnifica y extensa, donde destaca su inolvidable "La Casta de los Metabarones", escrita junto a Alejandro Jodorowsky

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Venom: The End was the top reordered comic last week;
's Metabarons Box Set was the top item by dollars. Giant-Size Jean Grey and Emma Frost was the top advance-reordered comic.
January charts: https://t.co/PgPLl8yznh
February charts: https://t.co/nmm0yDrhN8

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Ah bon ? J'ai vérifié toutes mes sources et toutes indiquent Metabarons pourtant

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Metabarons, science-fiction comic book written by Alejandro Jodorowsky and illustrated by Juan Giménez (1992-2003)

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The Metabarons / Juan Gimenez

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Valentin Sécher nous dévoile un aperçu d'une illustration inédite ! 😃

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Carlos Valenzuela es un capo. Acá un dibujo original con su versión del de .

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Great cover art for 's The Metabarons Vol 01: Othon and Honorata by comic book artist Juan Gimenez!

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THE METABARON is coming later this year... If you're not following Book 3 artist Valentin Secher on Social Media then you are missing out! Get your sneak peek at what is to come this !

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just so happens to fall on this year. Of course we have the perfect image to go along with it!

Happy Holidays from all of us at Humanoids!

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Time for the MAIN EVENT!

The Metabarons - Volume 4: Aghora & The Last Metabaron is available now!

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Said it before and will say it again... The Jodoverse is home to some of the strangest creatures. Happy https://t.co/D7GOPYAknO

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here to brighten your day with a little Show some love in the comments if he's one of… https://t.co/r2PswEamOu

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La Caste des Méta-Barons
- Juan Gimenez &
Nouvelle intégrale en libraire le 6 septembre !

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