
8 30

Psicólogo: la Padoru Slug no existe, no puede hacerte daño.
La Padoru Slug: ...

17 69


17 54


5 30

Please stop touching that buby Beatriz only her sister can have this pleasure!

7 52

(old art) Ryu, character from made in Metal Slug style sprites.

3 11

ODILE forLove
I share the next commission of the day, requested by the good JostinLaloVargas, enjoy It

10 39

Tactic ACE Commander, the Abigail excluive card, when you play with Abigail she generate that card in your hand.

3 4

Another Rare Commander,Rapid,for now she is not obtainable but she is ready. Rapid start with 1 more card in hand and hers ability when used generates 1 mana, so she is almost perfect for heavy decks.

4 9

The Second Epic Rebel Commander, Allen O Neil ,for now he is not obtainable but he is already ready.

3 4

The First Epic Commander,Abigail,the ACE Commander, she has access to ACE units,her ability is to select and deal 3 damage to an enemy,and passives...she reduce the cost of units by 1 every turn and start with Ace Commander

7 8

Abul Abbas, the first rare commander, you can obtain him in the pack on the market, he has 35hp and his power is he can summon a random arabian unit that cost 3 or less(arabian soldier, fighter or camel rider).

3 3

Both clumsy, messy and cute girls living in their own worlds!
Yua Serufu (DIY) as Caroline (Metal Slug Attack)

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14 39