c. 1487-88

from the Kimbell Art Museum,

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"The Creation of Adam" Michelangelo, 1512

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The Prophet Isaiah, after Michelangelo, August Temmel, 19th century

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Era il 15 Agosto del 1483 quando la Cappella Sistina fu consacrata alla Vergine Assunta in Cielo. Con una cerimonia solenne, papa Sisto IV inaugurò quel grandioso complesso che lo avrebbe fatto passare alla storia. Al suo interno gli affreschi di Michelangelo, Botticelli

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Giudizio Universale Michelangelo, Cappella Sistina. Un Gesù straordinario, risorto in tutta la sua bellezza di uomo e Dio, bello come un dio greco.

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The Temptation of Saint Anthony is an often-repeated subject in the history of art and literature, concerning the temptation faced by Saint Anthony the Great during his sojourn in the Egyptian desert.
by Martin Schongauer, Michelangelo, Joos van Craesbeeck and Salvador Dalí

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Turtles drawn by: Erhardt Domonkos - Leonardo, Fran P. Lobato - Michelangelo, Simone D’Armini - Donatello and Raphael by me.

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Colori e luce straordinari! Grande visione di Napoli.. sembra di essere in quell'epoca!
Grazie carissimo Erminio! 🧡🌿

Buona Pasqua a tutti! 🌿🧡

Michelangelo, Deposizione di Cristo - 1501🎨

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I have many artistic heroes: Michelangelo, Velazquez, Matisse... but as a young artist I learned more about composition, clarity of line and the power of colour from my treasured collection of Asterix books. ‘Ave’ Albert Uderzo who died yesterday

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my three main boys uvu left to right they are Michelangelo, Donatello and Diomedes. They’re all cousins with each other ahhhh

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The creation of Adam / The creation of the dog. (Michelangelo, 1511-1512 / The Wolf Of Gubbio, 1877, by Luc-Olivier Merson)

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Wingless upon your pinions forth I fly;
Heavenward your spirit stirreth me to strain;

—#Michelangelo, Sonnet
dedicated to
trans. in 1904 by
*img unknown, after lost copy 1500s Il ratto di Ganimede

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The Torment of Saint Anthony, Michelangelo, Kimbell Art Museum (Palette: 🖌🎨

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after two seasons of skipping the Star Trek: Discovery opening credits (I am terrible, yes) I finally watched it fully last night and ... I see what you did there hmhmhmhm

Opening Credits, Star Trek: Discovery (2017 - ) // Detail from the Creation of Adam, Michelangelo, c. 1512

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Once again, for those in the back, the best tip is to visit on the nights the museum is open until 21:45. Especially the last hour. Blissful peace. No crowds. Michelangelo, Rebellious Slave & Dying Slave, 1513-14.

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Continuiamo a parlare di opere d'arte incompiute, esposte virtualmente nella nostra .

Attribuita a Michelangelo, questa Deposizione di Cristo nel Sepolcro (1500-1501, ) fu commissionata all'artista per la Basilica di Sant'Agostino a Roma.

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La scena che è diventata, con la Pietà di Michelangelo, la più amata dell'arte cristiana, era già a fine Quattrocento un tema elaborato da molti pittori: ne è un esempio questo frammento di affresco di Bartolomeo Caporali che potete ammirare visitando la nostra mostra L'altra

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