I've generated 25,586 images using AI with Midjourney.

A few image tags I come back to over and over.

Steal these 17 words to add magic to your MJ prompts:

229 1693

Тема: «Гонять лысого».

Изображение сгенерированное нейросетью Midjourney. 👇

17 378

Тема: «Крушение космического корабля в чужих мирах».

Изображение сгенерированное нейросетью Midjourney. Источник телеграм-канал:

4 67

Another randomised prompt turned into something pretty by I would love to create some sculptures like this that sit well in a natural place - maybe with on a woodland trail Not sure how to do the geolocation though.

3 26

Blended 2 pieces in midjourney.

11 35

Das tentativas de ilustrar o Rei Jesus no midjourney.

0 20

Тема: «Шайтан-машина».

Изображение сгенерированное нейросетью Midjourney. Источник телеграм-канал:

0 50

Made this photorealistic image based off my . I used Midjourney. No matter how many times I tried it couldn't figure out how to make the skin blue...but whatever...this looks great.

3 40

Thinking of opening up a portrait studio in partnership with Midjourney... 😂

0 14

Please, out of curiosity, check out, and get astonished, for the amount of hate I'm receiving just for using

👉 https://t.co/cAjhYBwFyq

Here are my thoughts on it 🧵👇

5 58

Playing again with "--niji" mode in

2 71

fiddling with hands in midjourney. they're- ✨special✨

1 3

He estado trasteando y probando la ia midjourney. Para probar conceptos, dar forma a ideas y dejar volar la imaginación, esta muy bien.
Para ilustradores yo lo veo una herramienta muy interesante.

3 29

This is a distillation of about 6 generations of remixes in Midjourney. The actual prompt is simple: ' ghost behind gauze in mist, ethereal ' but the way the images are mixed is what creates all the effects.

3 46

Loving the new blend feature from Here the blended result and the 2 original images.

9 44

«Родила царица в ночь не то сына,
не то дочь, не мышонка, не лягушку,
а неведому зверюшку». Изображение сгенерированное нейросетью Midjourney.

40 562