vicesimo secundo die Decembris, Minimus donum invenit. On the 22nd of December, Minimus finds a present

6 27

Weekly word from Minimus' Picture Dictionary -
filia: daughter
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3 11

quinto decimo die Decembris, Minimus castaneas invenit. On the 15th of December, Minimus finds chestnuts

3 16

tertio decimo die Decembris, Minimus arborem invenit. On the 13th of December, Minimus finds a tree

3 25

duodecimo die Decembris, Minimus viscum invenit. On the 12th of December, Minimus finds mistletoe

6 23

undecimo die Decembris, Minimus lucernam invenit. On the 11th of December, Minimus finds a lamp

4 27

decimo die Decembris, Minimus pilleum invenit. On the 10th of December, Minimus finds a hat

4 22

Weekly word from Minimus' Picture Dictionary -
fessus: tired
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7 16

sexto die Decembris, Minimus tintinnabulum invenit. On the 6th of December, Minimus finds a bell

6 33

quinto die Decembris, Minimus pupam invenit . On the 5th of December, Minimus finds a doll (it belongs to Rufus!)

3 26

quarto die Decembris, Minimus nivem invenit. On the fourth of December, Minimus finds snow.

4 31

Siiiiiilent Light… Druuuunnnken Light. Whirl is nuts… Minimus crooons…

Swreve gets druuunk under the bar… Nauuuticaaa fiddles with her wrench…

Megaaatron has never been Hugged…

That’s all I got.

3 32

tertio die Decembris, Minimus coronam invenit. On the third of December, Minimus finds a wreath.

12 58

secundo die Decembris, Minimus erithacum invenit. On the second of December, Minimus finds a robin.

4 33

Weekly word from Minimus' Picture Dictionary - fatigatus: bored
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6 17

Weekly word from Minimus' Picture Dictionary -
facit: he makes or he does
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3 13

pt. 2/6
Megs struggling to reach Minimus' invite... his back just isn't what it used to be😩

23 43

sorry everyone im on my bullshit with the elder scrolls au again. enjoy khajiit minimus and argonian rodimus tho <3

78 203

Weekly word from Minimus' Picture Dictionary -
fabula: story
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2 11