Demontober Morning Demon

Another of my favorites, making the effect of the glasses took me a little time to do it but in the end I succeeded, I also painted the badge for more detail!

2 6

Demontober Day 22: Pixie, Shin Megami Tensei

7 23

Demontober Popular Demon

honestly, this is the one that took me the longest to paint, the first one actually, but I still had a lot of fun doing it!

0 2

Demontober Rariatoo's Demon

2 6

Day 19 of - Latios & Latias

AAAAAAAA I had a lot of things to do lately so I missed a few days, freacc
I'm still gonna do all 31 of them tho.

4 18

Demontober - Day 5

(I forgor to post this yesterday because ""studying"" and shit)

10 54

Demontober Day 19: Lord Dona'tor, TheRunawayGuys

15 131