Natural history illustration and the park: Chronologischer Raupenkalender, oder, Naturgeschichte der europäischen Raupen, by CF Vogel, 1837, BHL/Smithsonian,

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Natural history illustration and the park: Bilder-Atlas zur wissenschaftlich-populären Naturgeschichte der Wirbelthiere, by LJ Fitzinger, 1867, BHL/Harvard,

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Midnight sketch: richteri. A newly described from
Chilling in a puddle in the shadows of cordaites, unaware of the volcanic eruption that will end his life and enclose him in tuff.

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Narcissus / Yellow Daffadil, 1820, from Etudes de fleurs et de fruit, by (née Rideau du Sal; French, 1786–1834), who was born (May 29). Lenhardt Library; source,

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Branch of Cashew, c.1705, attr by to (#DorotheaMariaHenrietteGsell, German, 1678-1743), who was born (May 13). Held by ,

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Bombus terrestris, Buff-tailed bumblebee
Etched and oxidised copper plate
Outer frame measurement 63x63cm
Currently on display in the Home and Garden Exhibition

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Birthday in the park: Guiseppe Acerbi, 1773-1846, Italian naturalist, explorer and composer

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Birthday in the park: John James Audubon, 1785-1851, ornithologist, naturalist and painter........

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Birthday in the park: William Bartram, 1739-1823, naturalist.............

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Roses (Rosa), n.d., by botanic artist (English, 1805-89), who was born (Apr 10). From the book Illustrations of the Natural Order of Plants; via ,

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What's a doing in a series? Find out in your copy of , available on and in bookstores.

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For more perspective on hyacinths in history, see Mary Creed's guest post "#MadeleineFrançoiseBasseporte’s Hyacinths at the French Court,"

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Caterpillars in the park: Der rupsen begin, voedzel en wonderbaare verandering : waar in de oorspronk, spys en gestaltverwisseling ..... by M S Merian et al.....BHL/Getty Library.....1713-17 .... :

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Black-headed Snake / Aspidiotes melanocephalus, 1869, by (Australian, 1830-1907), who was born (Mar 23). Held by ; source,

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