As promised, here is NEANDERTHALS 05 a magnificent collaboration between and

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As promised, here is NEANDERTHALS 03 a magnificent collaboration between and

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As promised, here is NEANDERTHALS 02 a magnificent collaboration between and

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Neandertal Saint-Césaire 1. This fossil shows signs of a healed bone injury in the region indicated by the arrowheads. Source: The not-so-dangerous lives of Neanderthals HT

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Anybody get lucky and score some IMAX tickets?
I got regular, but at least it’s sound. And reserved reclining seats.

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The Oldest Artwork in the world - is 65,000 years old, and it wasn't painted by Humans but by Neanderthals. Its representational & uses symbols: Two cows or bison, a ladder or map of land division and something that looks rather like an airboat or seed pod. Bit of a wake-up call

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Did inbreeding contribute to the demise of the Neanderthals?

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I decided to start posting in the group. Here is my entry for February. The theme was so I chose to portrait Ayla from the “Clan of the cave bear” novel, a Cromagnon raised as a medicine woman by a tribe of Neanderthals.

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Feathered Neanderthals? Recent studies suggest Neanderthals used raptor and corvid feathers, normally black, to decorate their bodies.

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Remembering French paleontologist Marcellin Boule His study of Neanderthals in the early 1900s is often pointed to as the source for the creatures' brutish image

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in 1908, Boule presented his study on the La Chapelle Neanderthal to Académie des Sciences. He confirmed that Neanderthals were a separate species of human.

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I love these character studies of Neanderthals by the artist Tom Björklund. So rarely are they pictured as if they were real people.

See his blog and Facebook for more.

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Building walls...Blocking people...Banning countries...Isolation....Isn't that how the Neanderthals became extinct ???

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My interpretation of Thorin Oakenshield from (features inspired by Neanderthals)

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Neanderthals: 20 Percent Vegetarian – Isotope studies shed new light on eating habits

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Neanderthals and humans interbred '100,000 years ago'

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Scientists use skulls to show how "Last Common Ancestor" with Neanderthals might have looked

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Neanderthals: so close and yet so far - paleoartist Mauricio Antón

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Neanderthals' distinctive face shape explained | Natural History Museum via

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