cant fucking wait to do aall of them because its cringetober but every month i hate these whroes

12 32

grdgkjfg jdgjdfkgkjg ujsdo gdfgsgnjk sgn kjng i hate dithering in paint and also posting images of them but anyways. dont look at me

16 41

brilliant news for an upcoming concept

0 10

forgot that youre meant to put your sig on stuff like this.... anyways. adopt that i have instead decided to keep for stuff

9 24

music composer, if you can believe that + her logo thing she uses

14 34

new froggy whose colours change whenever the hell i feel like it

14 33

oh yeah look at this fuckinggg i am GOING to actuallly draw tomorrow ive not done anything in like 3 days @

2 14

the nail that sticks out gets hammered down

9 19

i literally cant be bothered to draw him again pleasee

11 24

you. are my other daughter. i love you

11 26

you are my son. youre my son! boogie woogie woogie

14 29