//=time() ?>
I have named you queen.
There are taller than you, taller.
There are purer than you, purer.
There are lovelier than you, lovelier.
But you are the queen.
― Pablo Neruda
Good night my beautiful friends 🖤 I love you as certain dark things are loved, secretly, between the shadow and the soul.
― Pablo Neruda
T’amo come la pianta che non fiorisce e reca
Dentro di sé, nascosta, la luce di quei fiori;
Grazie al tuo amore vive oscuro nel mio corpo
Il concentrato aroma che ascese dalla terra
@RosannaAvella @CarmelaCusmai @DavLucia
Ti manderò un bacio con il vento e so che lo sentirai, ti volterai senza vedermi ma io sarò lì. ( Pablo Neruda ) #ParoleDiVento #VentagliDiParole 🏵
@trevorjonesart @SuperRare @NFTCulture Hi Trevor,
A series I've just completed:
7 Days/7 poems/7 artworks based on these poems
For 7 days I've been posting poems and pieces based on these poems. (Neruda, Dante, T. S. Eliot, Shakespeare, S. Plath, E. Dickinson, K. Tempest)
@seamorphus_nft Hi
7 pieces from a project I've just completed: 7 Days | 7 poems | 7 artworks based on these poems.
P. Neruda / Dante / T. S. Eliot / S. Plath / Shakespeare / E. Dickinson / K. Tempest
First 3 pieces dropped on Foundation
@atefehsadr A montage of images from the project I've just completed: 7 Days/7 poems/7 artworks based on poems by
P. Neruda, Dante, T. S. Eliot, S. Plath, Shakespeare, E. Dickinson, K. Tempest
First 2 pieces dropped on FND, link in comments
If you like it, please check it out and RT it🙏🤍
@hazyartworks @PissSweeper A montage of images from the project I've just completed: 7 Days | 7 poems | 7 artworks based on these poems
P. Neruda / Dante / T. S. Eliot / S. Plath / Shakespeare / E. Dickinson / K. Tempest
First 2 pieces dropped on Foundation in comment below
@thepropgallery A montage of images from the project I've just completed: 7 Days | 7 poems | 7 artworks based on these poems
P. Neruda / Dante / T. S. Eliot / S. Plath / Shakespeare / E. Dickinson / K. Tempest
First 2 pieces dropped on Foundation
Have a nice day
For last 7 days I've been posting a poem every morning and creating an artwork based on this poem in the evening. I've just completed the project
Dropping each of 7 pieces on FND tonight
Poets: P. Neruda, Dante, T. S. Eliot, Shakespeare, E. Dickinson, S. Plath, K. Tempest
Inner Child (1/1)
The child who does not play is not a child, but the man who does not play has lost forever the child who lived in him and who will be sorely missed' (Pablo Neruda).
#drawing #gifart #1on1 #cryptoart
Well, now
If little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you
Little by little
If suddenly you forget me
Do not look for me
For I shall already have forgotten you
― Pablo Neruda
@NeruMitsuki_VT You do an amazing job Neruda, but you also need happiness too! If you ever want to chat just let goose know! He will try his best to make your day a bit happier :]
#senzaSapere come,
ne quando,ne da dove.
T'amo direttamente senza problemi ne orgoglio.
Cosí ti amo
perché non so amare
che cosí,
cosí vicino
che la tua mano sul petto,
è la mia stessa,
cosí vicino che si chiudono
i tuoi occhi col sonno mio.
citando Neruda
" mi reina, mi mujer, mi extensión, geografía,
beso de barro, cítara que cubren los carbones,
tú, vestidura de mi porfiado canto,
hoy otra vez renaces y con el agua negra
del cielo me confundes y me obligas:
debo reanudar mis huesos en tu reino,"
Pablo. Neruda.
“Do unshed tears wait in little lakes?”
Neruda's 'Book of Questions,' illustrated https://t.co/RcFmLIvpWE
This week's highlightable delights: Neruda illustrated, Bob Dylan's favorite rabbi teaching, and the paradox of identity and belonging: https://t.co/1wbCF9dCgu
As only @brainpicker can explore for all ages - here's the Book of Questions: Pablo Neruda's Poetic Reckonings with the Magic and Mystery of Life, Illustrated https://t.co/UYgRQHCUK7 via @brainpicker
#AhSudAmerica @SalaLettura
l’antica amicizia,
la gioia
d’esser cane e d’esser uomo
Pablo Neruda, Ode al cane
Da allora
il mio cielo di notte
ebbe stelle
e per raccoglierle,
la tua vita
si fece fiume.
Pablo Neruda
Edward Burne-Jones 🎨
#AhSudAmerica #SalaLettura