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Part 4 of the Never7 Retrospective is up! Today, we cover overviews and developer comments on four of the game's characters: Makoto Ishihara, Yuka Kawashima, Haruka Higuchi, and Saki Asakura! https://t.co/yxtRg0Taz3
Part 2 of the Never7 Retrospective is ready! Today, we will be covering the production history of Never7 and INFINITY cure., the NeoGeoPocket game that served as the bridge between infinity and Never7! https://t.co/dSeYo8iXfy
Today's retrospective will cover the beginning of Never7's production history, from its initial conception to the release of "infinity," the game's original PSX release! https://t.co/hGqyZ3dzX9
Today marks the first day of the "anniversary" of Never7, and to commemorate it, I have prepared a retrospective of the game which will cover its production, reception, characters, legacy, and even a bit of personal reflection on the English version!
Almost forgot that today marks the birthday of Izumi Morino for Never7! How fitting that it takes place just slightly over a week from the start of Never7 itself.
Welp, it's still February 15th over here, so...
It wouldn't be Never7 if we didn't do things "once more" now, would it?
It also hit me that though it is Never7 year, I forgot all about marking Okuhiko's birthday.
Sorry, Okkuman.
Well, it's Never7 year (2019), and it's February 15th in Japan time right now, so I'll only get the chance to do this once.
Happy birthday to Haruka Higuchi! Still my favorite Never7 character. I remember translating her route like it was yesterday.
【祝!DMM 20周年】
infinity シリーズの『Never7』、『Remember11』、『Ever17』が DMM 20周年セールに登場!あの伝説のシリーズ3作のPCゲーム版が今なら各799円で買えちゃいます!
DMM 20周年半額キャンペーン(PCゲーム)
★DMM PCゲーム/ソフトウェア年末年始セール★
中澤工とは、Never7 Ever17 Remember11を手掛けたディレクターでプロデュサー、シナリオライトもこなす
科学ADVシリーズの先駆け、Infinity series (cyber front) ①never7 ②ever17 ③remember11 ④12riven こちらもお勧め。科学ADVシリーズをコアにシリアスにした感じ。