Ree i lof Neytirix drawings ;w;

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Did I do it right?

The Nightmares by Neytirix
Sketch of Val and Vox by Me


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Artistas que me inpiraram quando eu tava começando a desenhar e me inspiram aé hj:
Neytirix, gui freitas(brush rush), emala jiss e liliumena

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Fanart for
Neytirix is my very first fav digital artist, they motivate and inspired me a lot, also ney is one who made me a digital artist
Thanks for that.
I hope you'll like it ^w^

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i made four fanarts for neytirix. yes i'm a little crazy. (the last one I tried to do with the neytirix style)

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Hoi ^^ me chamo Pamp ou Deathasto, vc escolhe, minha conta principal é meu instagram (@/Deathasto_Draws) e eu faço ilustrações principalmente de ocs minhas ou dos meus seguidores UwU Sou muito inspirada pela Neytirixx no insta e youtube e muitas outras pessoas! segue se quiser ❤️

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I drew 's dragon persona Neytirix as a human UwU

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as 2 primeiras são as youtubers desenhistas q sigo (neytirix e emala jiss) e dps o tanjiro/tangerina kkkk e a estrela de papel.

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Fanart / speedpaint on YouTube for
Titled The mighty warrior Neytirix
As a fun fantasy theme fan art hope you enjoy amd stay pawsome 😄

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Deviants ~ Scorching Moonlight (Part 9/10)
(By Neytirix)

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You're Here (Zootopia Story) 15 Speed-Drawing [by Neytirix]

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