Keep an eye out for the CryptoFlash booth in the EMP hall at dygycon 9! Might even organize a talk to let you know about everything that has been going on with the collection.

4 12

If an sole purpose is to generate money and the money goes away its utility is gone, but if its sole purpose is to be beautiful and enjoyable to look at then nothing can take that utility away!

5 28

Our next intern is Mr.Bear from collection!
Grab him here in the next drop on Staurday 16:00 UTC):

7 13

The mint of "Rainy Umbrella" sold over the weekend pushing the CryptoFlash secondary market to break $15K! Who snagged this gem? Only one of the largest collectors of CryptoFlash !

0 11

Excited to see the "corrupted" version of Buster?

Grab 5 cards + gold Intern sticker and collect the "Buster In HELL" card!

2 6

I spend most of my vacations volunteering at a summer camp so this is me just fantasizing about getting tropical... then again I do live in LA, at least we got palm trees here!


1 9

New drop starting very soon!! 💖

I hope that you enjoy the show ! ! 🌟

2 7

Get your pina coladas ready cuz tomorrow we go to "Tropical Paradise". Drop is same time as always 1:30 PM PST.


7 28

Insert joke about being a "FUN-GI" here. "Magical Mushroom" drops in 20 min!


0 3

Our next Intern is Buster! This character is ambitions since he wants to get "ahead" of his competition. 🤣
Catch him this Sat 16:00 UTC:

0 1