※ バイトday!いろいろな作業が順調に進んでいます!ただOpen Seaへのバグの問い合わせはまだ返ってきてませんが。とりあえず止まってても仕方ないので、前進あるのみ!今日もがんばります😆✨

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Like Robert, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Cheese Day!

What's your favorite type of cheese? And don't say ham!

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1 12

Like Mike, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Donut Day!

What's better than a donut? I dare you to come up with an answer! I double dare you!

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※ バイトday!最近、創れば創るほど、創作意欲が高くなってきてることに気づきました!楽しすぎます!今日もがんばります!😆✨

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Like The Nameless SME, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Rotisserie Chicken Day!

The only thing that he likes better than NFTs are rotisserie chicken!

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Like Karen, I bet you didn't know that today is considered Global Running Day!

An excellent opportunity for Karen to run as fast as she can to find the manager!

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※ バイトday!晴れが続いていてきもちがいいですね!気分もいいので、今日もNFTのことを考えながらバイトします!今日も頑張ります!😆✨

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Like James, I bet you didn't know that today is considered World No Tobacco Day!

There are better things than smoking, like...

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Like Peyton, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Water a Flower Day!

She loves flowers so so so much! But watering them? Ugh... they're so high maintenance!

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Like Cesar, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Paperclip Day!

You ever connect a hundred of them together and wear it as a necklace?!? ... yeah me neither... 😔

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Like Barbara, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Hamburger Day!

I don't need an excuse to eat a hamburger, but this day definitely helps make it easier!

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Like Kyle, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Sunscreen Day!

A golden tan can be achieved with the right sunscreen on a sunny day at the beach! 🏖️

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Like Robert, I bet you didn't know that today is considered World Dracula Day!

One of the most romantic characters in English Literature! 🧛

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36 70

Like Mike, I bet you didn't know that today is considered Towel Day!

Probably the most important day of your life!

3 7

Like The Nameless SME, I bet you didn't know that today is considered National Escargot Day!

That's today! But eating snails should be an everyday thing!!! 🐌

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